September 29, 2011 Weather: Rain, High of 74 Degrees.
In all of the excitement about Rosh Hashanah yesterday, I kind-of-sort-of got the date wrong for the blowing of the shofar in Central park. Sorry! If you’re still interested, Chabad will be hosting a public shofar-blowing this afternoon between 5 and 6 at the Naumberg Bandshell. Trader Joe’s will be providing undisclosed goodies. If you went yesterday, I apologize — if it’s any consolation, I went too.
Upper West Sider Phil Vasquez just released a really beautiful short film filled with black and white images of New York City and a monologue about the romance of the city. You can watch it in its entirety here.
The original Tavern on the Green has not served a meal in almost two years, and it’s not clear when or if it will reopen as a restaurant (we have more on that here). But it now looks like “Tavern on the Green” will become a worldwide chain. The famed eatery in Central Park has sold its naming rights outside of the New York area. The company that bought it, Tavern International, is planning to open Tavern on the Green in numerous other cities and sell products bearing the Tavern name. It’s already in discussions to open locations n London, Las Vegas, California and Asia. (Crain’s)
Columbia Prep is quietly accumulating the surrounding brownstones on 94th Street and just completed the block. (NY Observer)
Two Trump Place developments are on the market. (NY Post)
A taco truck called Paty’s Tacos that was forced out of the Upper West Side after getting 8 tickets in one day just won a “hero” Vendy award. (DNAinfo)
Hey, LEAVE THE FOOD TRUCKS ALONE!!!!!!Yes, I am shouting.