August 24, 2011 Weather: Mostly Sunny, High of 82 Degrees.
Josephina’s, a stalwart on Broadway between 63rd and 64th Streets for the pre-and-post-theater crowd for more than 20 years, closed suddenly on Sunday, and rumors are already floating that it could be replaced by a branch of East Village restaurant The Smith. (Eater)
Nick Ashford of the famous Motown duo Ashford & Simpson (they wrote Ain’t no Mountain High Enough, I’m Every Woman and many more hits) died from cancer this week. Ashford co-owned the Sugar Bar, a popular spot to hear music on West 72nd Street. On Tuesday night, friends gathered at the bar to mourn him. (NY Times)
Art Info raises questions about the future of the Folk Art Museum, now headquartered in Lincoln Square. (Art Info)
Everyone in the neighborhood apparently survived the earthquake Tuesday, although some painfully bad jokes were told.