By Gus Saltonstall
The NYPD announced on Wednesday that it is deploying up to 100 additional police officers per day in Central Park to counter the recent jump in crime.
The new officers will use a mobile substation within the park near Columbus Circle as their base of operations, and will take part in additional foot patrols, bike patrols, and horseback patrols.
NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell announced the new police resources in Central Park following a week where data showed that robberies have jumped 200 percent within the park, and felony assaults are up 42 percent, when compared to last year.
There have also been 10 assaults in Central Park so far this year, compared to seven during the same time lperiod ast year, police data shows.
Two more robberies took place within the park on Tuesday, as previously reported by West Side Rag.
Chell added that police “believe” that some of the culprits in the recent Central Park incidents are “young migrants who are committing these robberies.”
Two of the three suspects arrested in the Grand Army Plaza mugging on Tuesday live in a nearby city-run migrant shelter, according to police.
The 100 additional police officers will join the roughly 135 who already work within the Central Park precinct.
“The Central Park Conservancy is encouraged by NYPD’s expanded presence in the Park,” a spokesperson from the organization said in a statement on Wednesday. “We want New Yorkers and visitors to continue feeling safe and protected inside this beloved public space that the Conservancy cares for every day of the year.”
The additional police officers headed to Central Park are being pulled from various units across the city, and will work in the park for an indefinite period of time.
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I’ve read reports that the additional officers will focus on the southern part of the park. They need to dramatically increase foot patrols in all areas, especially the Ramble, which has desolate areas ripe for criminal activity. There is clearly an active presence of scofflaws there, as evidenced by the innumerable used condoms and empty alcohol containers that litter nearly every area.
Don’t believe me? Go take a walk there and see if you found fewer than 5 used condoms on the ground.
We need to support our police officers while putting pressure on their supervisors and our elected officials to responsibly stem the quickly-deteriorating public safety environment.
I guess it’s a tiny problem that people are having sex in the park but I’m really glad that people are using condoms! That said, I do wish they would throw them in the trash. Though CP has removed so many trash cans. Perhaps they could put a condom receptacle in the ramble to encourage proper disposal. I guess that’s a pipe dream since it would seem to be encouraging sex in the park (but wouldn’t it be nicer for those of us who walk there during the day?). What I really care about is the violence. I don’t want to be afraid of being assaulted or robbed.Somehow I don’t think it’s the people improperly discarding their condoms that are then threatening the public.
Crime goes up when you defund the police, cut officers, cut cameras and facial readers, and don’t arrest, charge, and hold criminals.
The NYPD was never defunded, though. In fact their budget has seen yearly increases.
Yes the calls from Democrats to do so were defeated.
They were defeated by other Democrats.
and Republicans. and Independents. and people with common sense.
It’s good that NYC didn’t do any of those things, then.
Every migrant caught committing a crime should be immediately deported and disqualified from ever residing in the country again.
So no trial?
If Harris becomes president, this smart suggestion will never, ever happen.
Smart, and completely common sense.
Trump and the Republicans had two years in which they controlled the White House and both houses of Congress. They could have passed whatever border control that they wanted and they did absolutely nothing.
Really? The man that was labelled a racist, and every other name under the sun because he wanted to contain and verify those coming across the border? Everything that was put up was shot down by those piss-weak leftists that want you to live in fear. Time to stop labelling those that want nothing more than to accept those that are valid migrants as racists. Valid migrant means you come to this country if you agree with the standards of living, laws and behaviors that are the backbone of the country you are coming to. Empathy does not mean putting up with crime. If you think getting bashed in a park, or having to hide all store items in locked cages is ok, there’s something wrong with you. Never mind climate change and what you’re leaving your children…how about an unsafe BS city?
“Time to stop labeling people” says the commenter who calls leftists “piss-weak.” Leftists “want you to live in fear,” says the commenter who fear-mongers about “getting bashed in a park.”
If you commit a crime and get jail time if you are an illegal immigrant you usually end up being deported when you are done serving your time. It is what the law says. It has nothing to do with who is President.
Not true, in places like NYC the criminals are released since NYC does not honor ICE detainers.
reply to Chris: in your plan, do they get a trial? Just wondering.
A trial – as in a fair and thorough examination of all the evidence for and against by an independent judge and jury?
Absolutely. The same thorough examination that migrant criminals received when they were allowed to enter the country without the means to support themselves, no place to live, no relatives to stay with, no compelling reason and in the fast majority of cases under entirely false pretenses. no detailed background checks, etc. etc.
The exact same.
Amazing how the people who cry loudest for fair judicial processes are the same people that are so blindly allowing the dismantling of the system of law and order.
And others committing crimes should be duly punished as well
Vote for people who invite and allow this?
Wait to find out how many people would vote for someone who is himself convicted of multiple felonies.
Maybe anyone dumb enough to be hanging out in Central Park after dark who is mugged should be forced to watch The Out of Towners…..
I’ve seen a few of these NYPD horseback patrols, they are so ridiculous – fine if officers are out there on foot or bike but what does the horse accomplish?
UWS Dad,
Not seeing that horse are “ridiculous”…..
Perhaps the CBS clip (link below) will be of interest to you?
Thank you for this article. Very enlightening.
I think they are actually pretty effective at running down escaping bad guys. They are a lot faster than a cop on foot and you can’t use a bike over much of the terrain in Central Park that a horse can traverse. Also, you would be surprised at how many people are fearful of and are cowed by horses.
That’s an interesting theory – is there an actual example of a NYPD horse patrol accomplishing something that couldn’t be done on bike or on foot?
The benefits seem questionable at best, it’s certainly more expensive and… lets say smelly…. way to patrol the park.
Mounted cops *do not* pursue suspects. Ever.
They’re used for show, and to trample protesters.
Now THAT;S an interesting theory! Is there an actual example of a protester, or anyone else, being trampled by a police horse, or any other horse? I’ve lived in NYC for 70 years and never heard of such a case!
It’s not a theory. It happened during the ’03 anti-war demonstrations. I was there. Friends of mine got injured. The NYCLU issued a 44 page report on the NYPD’s conduct during those demos. The mounted unit was also brought out against in 2011 to intimidate Occupy Wall Street.
If you’re reading the news, may I suggest trying a broader range of sourcing?
More patrolmen will deter the crime. But to catch the horde, they’ll need to do a sting operation and deploy undercover cops who look like victims. Then again, all the perps will just be out on the streets again before breakfast.
My Neighbor a senior just got beat up and robbed on the corner of 64th street and West End Ave. The two jumped off a electric motor scooter, beat her up and robbed her. We saw the same two casing the neighborhood two days later.
And you cannot identify the culprits because Gale Brewer has stymied legislation in the city council that would require escooters and ebikes to be registered and their owners identifiable.
Yes and people committing crimes like this will no doubt register their scooters and e-bikes. Such angry silliness.
According to one article, a noted criminal gang — can’t recall its name — has low-level members residing in city migrant shelters who are bribing teens and younger children to commit assaults, muggings, and burglaries.
Excellent! An increase in NYPD will get them cell phones and Mets tickets in much more timely fashion.
So far NYC has spent $5 BILLION on migrant arrivals, and costs are projected to go up next year.
That’s 5 billion of our taxpayer dollars that could’ve gone to infrastructure, education, the disabled, the creation of residential mental health clinics, any number of things that would improve the quality of life for the people of the city who actually live here and pay taxes.
This is an entirely self-created problem. Enough is enough.
“self created” by Ron Desantis, Greg Abbott and their busses. Too bad the Democratic elected officials can’t find it in their hearts to be as cunning and cruel. So we are stuck with the 5 Billion not by any fault of anyone in NYC.
Crime in Central Park started to shoot up when Adams and the Parks Department encouraged by the lobby Transportation Alternatives introduced e-vehicles into Central Park!! Not only has crime gone way up but so have injuries from those e-bikes to pedestrians and other cyclists!! This has brought a helter skelter condition.
To the park with motorized bikes speeding 25mph, riding on the bridle path and the reservoir where they are prohibited! And never a ticket written or any sort of enforcement. They are the getaway vehicle of choice says the NYPD as recently witnessed in the anti-Semitic attack on a 70 year old man on the bridle path where he was beaten and victimized.
So we rid the park of cars in 2019 to make it not only safer but only for recreation and not transportation to a few years later bring in unlicensed motor bikes/mopeds at speeds of 25-35mph to ruin the whole purpose of the park!! And with all of this has come increased crime as the park is normally hardly patrolled.
This won’t change until we end the unregulated pilot program and tell our elected leaders if you don’t return our park and streets to safety we will vote you out! A city with lawless vehicles is a disgrace.
And they ride faster than cars bc they can maneuver. It’s really messed up!
Ebikes are currently capable of speeds up to 62 MPH. With all the talk of the failed Vision Zero program about “traffic calming”, all it’s done in reality is make it easier for ebikes and escooters to kill and injure pedestrians.
Remember when the cops would just get a couple of complaints, then go out and resolve the issue without fanfare, pomp or circumstance? I guess that the cops are cashing in on the migrants too. This looks like one giant overtime scam and afterwards, the top cops are going to be pinning medals on each other.
Think about it. This is a group of maybe 15 to 20 kids from one or two shelters close by. Two cops could deal with this problem in one afternoon.
Thank you for your service.
This is for Back to Reality: although the used condoms are gross , they don’t necessarily correlate with felonious crimes.
I never thought I’d say this, but send them home immediately, assault someone in the park? Rob them, hit them? One way ticket back home, teenager or no teenager.
Imagine the mentality to go to a country not your own and to then begin robbing and assaulting its citizens
The cycle continues:
1. Community cries about crime
2. Electeds deny this is happening
3. Community cries louder(often via Rag comments)
4. Electeds and lobbyists continue to gaslight
5. Stats start getting reported where elected can’t deny it
6. More police posted.
All the people who have to suffer between #1 and #6. Just hope you aren’t one of the statistics. Or maybe the electeds can listen to their constituents?
Grateful for the Rags’ comments as a way to have voices heard. Sad.
As I am really fond of reminding folks around here, the comments are not representative of the views of people who live on the UWS.
And how would you know whether they are representative or not? Can you know the views of people who live on the UWS? Can you know who comments in the UWS Rag?
Shameful that tax payers have to pay for the nonsense of illegal immigration. Sanctuary cities/states and the Defund the Police movements are crippling cities across the country. It didn’t have to be this way…so sad.
That’s a lie. NYPD’s budget has increased significantly the last 5 years.
The cops have abdicated basic enforcement of simple things like vehicle code & moving violations. ‘Broken Windows’ advocates know what happens then…
Again – no one has been defunded. Their budget has increased!
Let me remind you of the articles such as this one from WSR painting all migrants as long-suffering and deserving empathy and tax-payers money.
Mashura Akilova (PS 145 PTA) “ Every new immigrant who comes to the society will bring more than they will receive”.
This mentality was pushed on us. No dissident voices were allowed.
My comments questioning good intentions of “every new immigrant” were never published
It’s time to ban e-bikes in the city. Completely.
I think they were recently banned in Melbourne.
correction: they banned e-scooters.
Catch them now before it gets out of hand. This is how migrate start gangs which we don’t need anymore of that BS.
Every time I think of this, I think of the gypsy kids back in the 1960s in Times Square, same thing…
When I see Times Square now, and read the crime reports, I’m reminded of the way I felt when “Disney” came to town:
We put a mask over our problems. That’s all. And the beat goes on.
We need better policing. We need more community mental health. And we need federal compensation for the migrants.
And maybe, drones.
So the police arrest these criminals ……. then what happens?? Alvin Bragg lets them out in minutes to continue committing crimes.
I walked across the park last night at 97th Street and there were two police officers at the East Drive. I thanked them for being there.
@UWS Dad “ As I am really fond of reminding folks around here, the comments are not representative of the views of people who live on the UWS”
This particular comment from King Solomon definitely represents my views, UWS resident of 25 years. It certainly represents views of many of my neighbors. In addition you can see for yourself this comment is in tone with many other comments.
I have to say that I barely share any views reflected in your comments, UWS Dad. So please change your snarky condescending i -know-better-than-you tone.
Went to Central Park yesterday for a run. They were very visible ;however, they were only stationed below 72nd St. 🤨
I’ve seen a significant increase in cops in the park. However, they stand around in pairs leaning up against a tree or fence looking at their phones. Never looking up. Same thing with more cops in the subways. They’re at the end of the platform, unnoticed, against the wall looking at their phones as people continually jump the turn style, or worse.
How did these migrants get into the country? Why are they allowed to stay here? Do we know who they are and what their history is?
The number one reason this is happening is because, most reporters are not journalists. A Journalist was once the most trusted professions, Walter Cronkite , must spin in his grave to see what his profession has become. The press is protected by the 1ST amendment because a nation cannot be free without an unbiased press, does anyone believe we have this in this country?
So, if these are migrants why aren’t they being deported once convicted of a crime?
Keep those officers there permanently, or atleast for a year, those criminals will be coming back.
They are illegal aliens who should be deported, but of course we’re too civilized to do that in Sanctuary City. We’d rather see our hotels, hospitals, streets and schools explode with thousands of illegals to the cost of 5 billion and counting! But all’s that’s irrelevant as long as we can feel morally superior. Boundaries are so over-rated.