In case you missed it, last month marked 15 years since the federal minimum wage increased to $7.25. It hasn’t budged since. What has budged? The cost of living.
Some states and cities have taken matters into their own hands. For example, Well-Paid Maids advocated for Maryland’s Fair Wage Act, which increased the state’s minimum wage from $13.15 to $15 an hour.
Although this is a significant step, it’s important the federal minimum wage increases, too. That’s because around 17 million people are earning less than $15 an hour, according to the EPI Low Wage Workforce Tracker. A $15 minimum hourly wage would increase wages for these millions of workers, reduce wage gaps, boost the economy, help families and more.
Maids and housekeeping cleaners are one sector that’s often underpaid — and that’s why Well-Paid Maids is dedicated to paying living wages. In the NYC area, our cleaners make at least $27 an hour, and we offer them insurance plans, 24 paid days off per year, 100% employer-paid commuting costs and more.
With our living-wage model, we want to show customers, competitors and policymakers that higher wages are good for workers — and good for business. After all, we have hundreds of happy clients across our locations and a 4.9-star rating on Google reviews.