A second man has been arrested and charged with attempted murder following an Upper West Side shooting in September, police said on Tuesday morning.
Along with attempted murder, Robert Hart, 42, was charged with assault, gang assault, criminal possession of a weapon, and reckless endangerment, in connection to a 41-year-old man being shot on September 19 on Amsterdam Avenue and West 89th Street, police said.
Diamante Shell, 25, was also arrested and charged with attempted murder on September 30 in connection to the shooting, NYPD added.
The victim, who was shot in the buttocks and shoulder, survived the shooting, police said.
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Get the guns off the streets. Get the guns out of America.
Stop nd frisk. Stop and frisk. Stop and frisk.
“Stop and frisk” currently exists in NYC as a legal police practice. There simply has to be reasonable cause for the stop.
When people say they want to bring back “stop and frisk”, they usually mean the Bloomberg version, which was found unconstitutional because it used racial profiling. it was Jim Crow policing.
When people call for the resurrection of this abhorrent practice, they should at least be honest what they are asking for. For example, “bring back racial profiling” would be a better way to say it.
Do you really believe that it is only criminals who profit from the traffic in illegal guns? Drugs? Prostitution? There are billions of tax free dollars to be made each and every year in these illicit trades. Do you think that the heads of police departments and the local governments running the show in each and every municipality in America would just ignore that river of wealth?
The guns are illegal as it is in NY.
Get the criminals off the streets!
Talk to Mayor Empty-suit and DA Bragg-about-how-good-I’m-doin’.
Obviously that doesn’t stop them.
It’d be nice. I wish there were no guns either, but taking away guns from lawful gun owners, only endangers the law abiding people. How are you going to get rid of illegal guns? Did you read that it was “a criminal possession of a gun” above?
Even in countries with strict gun control like the UK, everyone uses knives to attack people.
Every ‘illegal’ guns started as a legal one. Trace the illegal ones back to their source. The majority come from a small minority of sellers. Allow this to happen!
This is demonstrably false. A myth promulgated by the media. In the November 27, 2023 issue of JAMA Pediatrics note the following regarding where guns used in crimes come from
“Another crucial discovery fromthis study is the predominant sources of firearms deployed in adolescent school shootings:
many were procured from family members (primarily parents),
friends, or street markets and usually through illegal
means, such as theft”
So no a small group of gun dealers are not driving the illegal gun market. Weapons are stolen from family members and acquired on the street.
Anti-gun proponents decry the lack of scientific research on firearms but then turn a blind eye to peer reviewed data when they don’t like what it says.
Yep. Leave guns only with the police, the FBI, the army and all government agencies that need guns. The regular citizens don’t need guns. The government will protect them, from themselves.
I hope y’all realize I was joking.
The criminal element will always have guns.
Of course some will get through. But the majority could be stopped. Need to put a crimp on the iron pipeline from the south.
There are ghost guns, there are smuggled from Mexico guns, you name it.
Stop and frisk would help the situation tremendously.
Waiting for the comments saying how it isn’t helpful or illegal. Both aren’t true.
How true.
Yes, stop and frisk! For the sake of our children. Enough of criminals coddling.
Thank you for the update. Greatly appreciated. Please keep us posted so we can find out what happens to these two.
I’d also like to know what happens to these violent men.
Thank you NYPD
Thank you for the update – glad these guys were caught. Pls keep us updated –hopefully, they will get prison time.
Only the finis of chapter one. Wait and see what Brag has in store for us in chapter two.
The endless arguments about getting rid of illegal (?) guns goes nowhere, largely because of two things: (1) a 2nd Amendement right as defined by the current Supreme Court with a smaller and smaller set of exceptions; and (2) the misguided belief that private citizens carrying guns are in a better position to defend themselves than those without. I’ve yet to read reports of incidents where a gun-carrying individual protected himself from an assault because of having the weapon. I’m not talking about those trained to carry them. Anyone who votes Republican (I’m not talking about NYC politics) continues to be responsible for the current makeup of the Supreme (and other federal) courts. That, along with the sadly undemocratic structure of the US government (the Senate and Electoral College) makes changing this kind of policy almost impossible.
1. The 2nd Amendment does not give Americans the right to own firearms, it prevents the Government from infringing on that right.
2. There are untold Millions of guns in this country, they are not just going away.
The right to own guns has been affirmed by the Supreme Court’s most recent interpretation of the 2md Amendment, with limited exceptions which will continue to be litigated. The government cannot suppress free speech and it is limited, currently, in how it can suppress the right to own guns. What’s interesting is that just as a private company can suppress certain speech within, it should have the ability to do the same regarding guns. You have the right to throw someone out of your house for saying something you don’t like, or for carrying a weapon. But a municipality cannot do the same without showing a certain degree of danger. Of course, even the Supreme Court justices have to face the reality of what a firearms free-for-all is doing to the country (except, of course, for Thomas and Alito, who will never budge on this issue). My point is clamoring for meaningful gun control must translate into political action, which is very difficult to effect given the way the country’s constitutional structure is set up. But even the Supreme Court under FDR, after throwing out many of his Depression-era reforms, began to see the (public) light.
That pesky Constitution is always getting in the way of people who want to deprive others of their rights. Which is exactly the reason it was written that way.
I’m a mother, I’m terrified of guns.
To me the situation should be very simple – if you are caught with an illegal gun, even if you didn’t use it, you go to jail, period. No excuses.
Yes, but Bragg has to be out of the equation.
Couldn’t agree more. Now please vote that way.
“Vote that way”
What way would it be? Republicans who are pro-gun or Democrats who are going out of their way to protect rights of criminals at the expense of law abiding citizens?
I would vote not for the party but for the person who would re-introduce stop and frisk.
That’s pretty much the law in NYC already.
Bragg doesn’t prosecute possession of illegal gun, only if it is used.
Reprehensible. What is the point of laws and district attorneys if laws are not prosecuted?
I used to live in an apartment behind these projects. Not the most pleasant place to live near. There was another shooting roughly 7 years ago in nearly the same spot. Lots of noise and even had the call the cops when a bunch of people were jumping on top of cars outside the building. We even found some arrows shot from this building on the roof of our building. Oh – and absolutely never cleaned up after their dogs. Glad I moved away from it!
You did your part for the social engineering fantasies of Upper West Side politicians. Then was the time for you to move on literally . Enjoy your new digs..