By Carol Tannenhauser
If you were out and about on the Upper West Side on Sunday afternoon you may have noticed some commotion around West 69th and 70th Streets and Broadway. A reader sent West Side Rag the following email:
“Looks like some major unlicensed motorcycle/ebike bust today between 69th and 70th St. and Broadway… lots of bikes being taken away and people yelling on the street.…Wondering if this is partially in response to all the concerns about people getting hit or nearly hit by bikes going the wrong way on roads, riding on sidewalks, etc., or whatever. It’s an absolute zoo on the uws right now.”
An NYPD spokesperson confirmed our reader’s observations, but revealed that it was, in fact, “a citywide operation concerning illegal motorcycles and ebikes.” The officer reported that the department was still “updating the numbers” and will release them and the details of the operation “by midnight.”
Watch for it tomorrow in the Rag.
Update: On Monday, August 21, at 1:15 p.m. WSR received the following report from the NYPD:
“The NYPD conducted a Motorcycle and Two-Wheel Safety operation from 8/17 to 8/20. We have seen a spike in motorcycle and other two-wheeled device injuries over the past month. This initiative will focus on ensuring that operators of two-wheeled devices (illegal motorized scooters, mopeds, dirt bikes, ATV’s, motorcycles) are in compliance with appropriate VTL [vehicle and traffic law] regulations, and devices that are not street legal (illegal motorized scooters, dirt bikes and ATV’s) are seized and invoiced. This operation will allow us to focus on keeping riders on two-wheeled devices safe. Statistics will be available in the near future.”
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Sure. At the same time I saw three scooters double loaded just casually ride right through red lights broadway and 106th street
It shouldn’t be a one day operation. I should be 24 – 7
They have to start someplace.
Thank the lord. I hope this is the beginning of the end of all these illegal bikes.
Assuming this story is confirmed and the numbers are published, then credit and thanks to the NYPD and all involved in planning and execution.
I’m sure we will continue to see unlicensed motorbikes allergic to traffic laws, but I am hopeful this exercise starts to change behaviors.
Awesome. Very nice to see the city is making some attempt at maintaining order and safety for pedestrians. These small, motorized vehicles are a scourge. Good job, NYPD.
Thank you NYPD. I was on my human powered pedal bike this evening and one of the guys on a gasoline powered scooter passed me going around 40 mph in the 5 ft wide bike lane.
About time
Excellent. Thanks to NYPD and all the residents who have and continue to speak up. Safety matters for everyone on sidewalks and streets. Thank you!
Thank you NYPD!
Good. Yet yesterday, around 74th and West End or so, two of these losers went right through the light, both so-called grown men.
Another area of concern:
More teenagers on e-Citibike.
They too disregard traffic laws, go the wrong way and through red lights.
Many also double up with friends riding in the basket.
Really dangerous
And many teenagers do not wear helmets.
I have to say, my heart is in my throat when I see (usually teens) a bike rider with a friend sitting on the handlebars, both without headgear.
I realize that young people learn by experience, but I don’t think major injury or death is the best teacher.
If it is capable of exceeding the city street limit of 25mph, it should be required to be registered, licensed and insured, and users should also be required to carry a license for use and ID, just like every other vehicle that can. Would increase safety exponentially and put an end to drivers (they’re drivers, not cyclists – there’s no pedaling involved) paying zero attention to pedestrians, traffic, signs and signals. And let the red light and speed cameras target them, too.
Mike is right!!!Though I completely understand the rationale of the city spending millions of our tax dollars to make the city “bike friendly” – the impact of these speeding power driven vehicles masquerading as bikes must be considered. Elderly pedestrians who can’t hear the silent bikes coming the wrong way on our one way streets and are are not capable of hopping on a bike themselves or of jumping out of the way of these speeding vehicles are in danger. The drivers ignore the lanes we’ve provided for bikes and routinely drive on pedestrian sidewalks and break every traffic law that the rest of us must obey. One operation by the police is a start but not enough. This is a huge problem and daily enforcement is now required. Drivers must be registered, insured, licensed, and regulated by law to protect innocent citizens. We have cameras – we have resources to do that with drivers of cars – let’s get this in place for all vehicles capable of speeding – and soon.. We’ve spent a lot of money to keep bikers safe – let’s keep pedestrians safe too.
Given the MTA bus and subway fare increase , very upsetting that the City spends on the bicycle infrastructure.
The City could direct “bicycle “ funds to State MTA or fair fares etc.
What constitutes an illegal e-bike?
Maybe I am just a pessimist, but I doubt it. People were complaining and instead of banning the electric scooters and bikes, the powers that be designed to make what is in all likelihood a temporary showing of some enforcement to quiet everyone down. And by the looks of the posts here, it’s working. But I know that this will come to nothing as do the people who ride the bikes. Obviously the NYPD is doing this for show and cannot conceivably do enough enforcement to actually STOP BEHAVIOR. The 1 in a billion chance that you get a ticket or lose your bike (good lucky stopping those who simply just keep riding and evade polcie, duh) will simply be a cost of doing business. This “show” is a perfect reflection of the weak electorate that we’ve become. This is nothing more than crumb made out of plastic.
They need to keep seizing illegal bikes, especially the ones in bike lanes and on park paths. It’s my understanding that a lot of Covid money went straight to their buying these bikes. Let’s see how many can come up with the money now.
No reason to stop here. Demand Albany restricts vehicle sales & classes
The city must increase vigilance in Riverside Park. Last Tuesday an elderly woman friend was struck by an e-scooter where we walk almost every day between the pier and 95th Street. She was taken by ambulance to Mt. Sinai where she was in ICU for several days and is still, a week later, in the hospital with broken bones and bleeding on the brain. Reportedly the ambulance had a very difficult time getting to the scene of the accident and out again. The scooter-driver was given a summons. I wish HE was in the hospital in a great deal of pain!!
If you have any further info on this the organisation NYC-EVSA (E-vehicle safety alliance) would like to know. They are trying to collect as many victim’s testimonies as possible to get legislation passed to stop this e-vehichle menace that now plagues the streets of NYC. I was hit from behind by a Citi-e-bike on the sidewalk in July. Despite reporting to 2 police stations it was incorrectly recorded by police first as an “accident” then as an “assault”. It was neither. It was a crash caused by an e-vehicle rider who fled the scene.
The behaviour of many of these e-vehicle riders is outrageous. Legislation needs to reign it in before NYC streets and paths become a bloodbath of dogs, children and adults mown down by people who flout every rule of the road.
How terrible.
Very sorry for your friend.
Was it an upright-standing scooter or a Vespa type scooter?
Great. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but this welcome roundup seems to be in sync with a new city regulation about the sale of ebikes and scooters. Unfortunately, the new rules don’t do anything to rein in the lawless riders of these vehicles, but at least it’s a sign that the city recognizes a problem.
This needs to be a sustained policy.. Further why don’t they shut down the stores that sell mini motorcycles which are uninsured, unregistered and require neither training, licensing or civic awareness…. ? We, pedestrians and tax payers, are left to maneuver ever cautiously, in what has become a ‘wild west’ of motor and e bike usage ( One cannot say ‘lawless’ because legislators are blind or behind the curve on this) Yes, the city has changed and should and must adjust to post Covid transportation…. but there ain’t no plan nor protection for the public… So, great, for a Sunday ‘operation,’ But what about Monday through Saturday… ?
From: NYC-EVSA (E-Vehicle Safety Alliance)
Please email your specific City Council Member and tell them that you are one of their constituents and that you strongly support Council Member Robert Holden’s Bill (0758-2022) for Comprehensive Regulation and Registration of E-Bikes and Mobility Devices in NY. Please ask that they sign on as a co-sponsor. Explain that you represent the vast majority of NYC voters and you are counting on them to support this bill and properly represent the interests of their constituents. You can find your Council Member’s contact info in link below.
Please follow up with a phone call to their office the same day, stating the same. Emails count the most, but a follow call is also helpful.
I did this. The more of us, the more a message to electeds becomes clear.
How about cracking down on the motorcycles riding full speed in the bike lanes on Columbus and Amsterdam???????
Manhattan needs more speed bumps everywhere. Not like vehicles should be driving at any speed higher.
One show of force isn’t likely to make a dent. This is a fixable problem. We all see these these openly. The cops do too and can easily stop them or set up traps (ie spotter radios ahead) if they dont want to chase them.
I was on the Queensboro biking last week and there was a constant stream of too big too fast scooters whizzing by, in a narrow space full of normal bikes and pedestrians How hard is it to place a cop at the ends of the bridge? Probably scoop up 500 in one day just doing that.
If cops make a sustained effort over a month this problem will be significantly reduced.
the queens marines used to post a sergeant at one end of the path and then seize the bikes but they’ve not done this (as far as I can see) for a couple years now. It needs to be daily
Uhhh, your Mayor is in Israel.
What makes you think the Mayor had anything to do with this? He is a big supporter as is the DOT Commissioner of the Biker Lobby who expressly say they want no regulation, licensing or enforcement of e-vehicles. The only legislation the Mayor and City Council favor has to do with the lithium batteries which cause explosive fires even when not being charged. The only proposed legislation to reign in the danger of e-vehicles as they follow no traffic laws is by State Senator Brad Hoylman and Assemby Member Bob Holden. It’s not coming from the Mayor. If you want it to succeed call your Council Member.
Yes, State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal has three e-bike bills (with AM Simone and Rosenthal): https://www.fox5ny.com/video/1256525
Call your State Senate and Assembly people and ask them to co-sign!
The new police commissioner forced ex-Chief Kim Royster into retirement earlier this month. She was the head of the transportation bureau at NYPD. Seems like this is the work of whoever replaced her.
Yet right after they were hanging around the islands going the wrong way on W 70th. I agree they with Mike: If it is capable of exceeding the city street limit of 25mph, it should be required to be registered, licensed and insured, and users should also be required to carry a license for use and ID, just like every other vehicle that can.
This should be a weekly event.
its about time !
Thank you NYPD
Thank you NYPD! We all hope it’s just the start of a multi-part solution to this madness. Ask your council person to support Council Member Robert Holden’s Bill (0758-2022) for Comprehensive Regulation and Registration of E-Bikes and Mobility Devices.
How about arresting the motorbikes in the bike paths in the bike path along the West Side Highway?
Should a child riding on his bike be next to a motor bike going 40 mph in Riverside Park bike lanes.
Pick up your food at our restaurants.
( please support our restaurants)
Say no to deliveries until the delivery riders can abide by the law!
Say no to deliveries is the most important message here. Anyone who is ordering food, groceries or other goods for fast delivery is guilty of encouraging the proliferation of ebikes and mopeds. Go pick things up yourself and stop supporting this madness. We all need to adjust our expectations and let businesses know that we support slower deliveries if it means fewer ebikes and mopeds.
The issue isn’t juste bikes. Many are gas powered road worthy scooters that can o 45MPH and that have to have a license plate but don’t. I have never seen one stop at a light, and they often go in the bike lane, but the point is even if they are on the street they need license plates and don’t have them. it’s easy to spot and to tell that the are illegal. yesterday one large scooter just made a left without even slowing down against the light and barely missed a pedestrian.
It’s purely a political problem. The will isn’t there because the delivery guys are hardworking people of color, most if not all of them undocumented. I seem to recall the last crackdown progressive pols protested along with a group of delivery guys claiming it’s discriminatory and we need to support them.
if the will was there this would be solved in a few weeks. these are bold violations occurring openly. it’s ridiculous how the city just accepts this as part of life now. these scooters aren’t cheap, if they keep confiscating them people won’t buy them. it’s actually getting worse and worse.
people can also help themselves by not ordering everything all the time. most of these are able bodied young people ordering food a food blocks away. it made sense during the pandemic perhaps, but come on, why live in Manhattan if you don’t want to leave the house?
This isn’t about bikes at all. They are being called e-bikes or e-scooters, but what they are are mopeds, pure and simple. We used to complain about the Arrow e-bikes, but those issues have been dwarfed by these mopeds, which can be electric or gas powered. Even cyclist bad behavior is now dwarfed by these mopeds, which really are just small motorcycles.
Yes, they are not bikes. But they are still the problem, unregulated, unlicensed and uninsured.
Actually a good percentage of illegal motorbikes with no plates are young men. Don’t blame it all on delivery guys and immigrants.
Thank you Raj. The majority of men on mopeds I see are not delivering anything.
Thank you for taking those off our streets and making it a little bit safer. They need to monitor the west side bike path as well. Children and seniors rely on that path and deserve a safe lane to use. Please continue to confiscate these illegal bikes!
So then they pay the fee and they are back
So what’s that gonna do. Nothing
These bikes must bebBANNED from our roads. Duh????!!!!!
Bent licenseplates are also an issue – and illegal – on the gas-powered mopeds. if you see one on a parked bike, bend it back into position.
Last week: Straightened one with my knee, but it was on an SUV.
“This initiative will focus on ensuring that operators of two-wheeled devices (illegal motorized scooters, mopeds, dirt bikes, ATV’s, motorcycles) are in compliance with appropriate VTL [vehicle and traffic law] regulations …”
How are illegal motorized scooters in compliance with the law?
9:35 AM Monday, passed West 70th and Broadway after reading the original version of this post, sans update:
Counted 1 illegal motorcycle (small) parked between Broadway southbound and Broadway northbound, Counted another running the red on Broadway southbound. Last, counted 3rd illegal motorcycle stopped at the same red.
So nothing has changed.
And when I was out and about on Sunday, didn’t notice any police activities around scooters, ebikes, or illegal motorcycles.
I’m glad to hear this and hope it continues. Unfortunately, I wonder if some of those illegal bikes and motorcycles were detouring through riverside park to avoid getting caught. On the 17th, I was passed by a number of these motor vehicles on the bike path and wrote the following excerpt in a longer letter to our local representatives on the UWS, including Gale Brewer. I had no idea what was going on on Broadway that day.
“How can I report an increase in non-pedal assisted motorized vehicles on the bike path in Hudson River Park? I just arrived home bicycling from about W. 59th St. in the bike lane in the park to W. 95th St. I was passed by one gas powered motorized vehicle that appeared to be a motorcycle (it smelled of gasoline as it passed me) and 3 additional moped-like vehicles. These were at separate times, people riding independently of each other and they were all going extremely fast.”
Later that same day, my 81 year old mother was almost hit by an e-bike speeding through a light going the wrong direction on W.97th St and Columbus while everyone else was stopped waiting for pedestrians to pass. If I had not stopped her from moving forward, she would’ve been rammed down.
This is only partly a City issue. The motor vehicle law is a State law. The Governor and State Legislature needs to require these dangerous motor vehicles to be licensed and insured.
I assume you meant Amsterdam Avenue, not Broadway. It’s that block that has all the bikes.
UPPER UPPERDATE: “NYPD sources report that, due to the success of the August 20th crackdown, the NYPD plans to make this an annual event. City Council sources, speaking anonymously, have confirmed that Council members focused on public safety are coordinating with NYPD to have every August 20th declared “The Laws Will Be Enforced Today Day.” The City would also hire a marketing consultant to “punch up” the rollout, particularly given the day’s somewhat cumbersome working title .”
One could look at this in two very different ways. The first is, “too little, too late.” The pandemic helped to create a literal “Dodge City” in which pedestrians have to dodge bicycles, e-bikes, mopeds, scooters, etc., and regular bikers have to dodge electric vehicles. Traffic lights are now “optional” for almost any vehicle (I have even seen motorcycles and an occasional sedan go right through a red light if no vehicle is coming from the side street.” Electric vehicles, including full-size scooters, ride the wrong way on both avenues and side streets, make illegal rights on red, and even ride down the sidewalk. It is utter (and dangerous) madness.
The other way to look at it is, “You have to start somewhere, but I hope this becomes a regular part of traffic enforcement, and that more and more electric vehicles are removed from the streets.”
Of course, what we REALLY need to do is to make sure any vehicle with a motor (e-bike, moped, scooter, etc.) is properly licensed, requiring registration, insurance, etc., and required to obey the traffic laws or risk having their vehicle impounded and/or their license revoked. That is the only way that the City is going to be able to “undo” some of the damage that has already been done. And the NYPD needs to be MUCH more active in enforcing these laws. It is understood that the NYPD can no longer engage in “hot pursuit” (high speed chase) of vehicles. But such high speed chase is not always necessary in order to enforce the current (and hopefully future) laws.
Thank you NYPD. But don’t make this a “once in a while” “sting” operation. Make it an active, daily part of your routine.
Support Councilmember Holden’s bill.
Everyday there is a Citibike going the wrong way. Citibike needs to track their users and promote bike safety. It’s beyond ridiculous where they only care about revenue and members. Everyday someone riding with headphones oblivious to their surroundings and not following the rules of the road.