This story was originally published by Chalkbeat. Sign up for their newsletters at ckbe.at/newsletters
By Alex Zimmerman, Amy Zimmer, Chalkbeat New York
Up to 20 New York City public school gymnasiums could be transformed into emergency shelters for asylum seekers, a sudden move that Mayor Eric Adams said Tuesday he was reluctant to make.
“This is one of the last places we want to look at,” the mayor said in an interview on NY1. “None of us are comfortable with having to take these drastic steps.”
Adams contends that the city is running out of space in shelters, hotels, and other emergency accommodations as more than 65,000 asylum seekers have arrived in New York City since last year.
A handful of school gyms, largely in Brooklyn, are already being outfitted with cots, and at least one has already opened its doors to migrants. The plan has drawn concerns about possible disruption to school activities and whether the spaces have adequate access to bathrooms and showers.
Here’s what we know — and don’t know — about the city’s plans to transform schools into emergency shelters:
Adams stressed that the city is only considering gymnasiums that are physically separated from the rest of the building, an effort to ease concerns about students coming into contact with adults who have not been vetted with background checks, as school staffers typically are.
Students are “not going to be impacted,” Adams said during a radio appearance on 1010 WINS.
City officials said the police department will be present at those sites around the clock. Still, some parent leaders said ensuring that students and migrants aren’t in contact may require logistical coordination to manage nearby entrances and exits.
So far, the city is gearing up to house migrants at the following schools in Brooklyn, according to parent leaders and news reports: Coney Island’s P.S. 188, Crown Heights’ P.S. 189, Sunset Park’s P.S. 172, and Williamsburg’s P.S. 17, P.S. 18, P.S. 132 and M.S. 577.
City officials did not provide a full list of school gyms under consideration for emergency shelter, nor did they say which buildings are currently housing migrants. The Daily News reported that some migrants were already staying at P.S. 188 over the weekend.
Former Mayor Bill de Blasio implemented a plan in 2017 to build about 75 stand-alone school gyms across the city, since many schools blamed space issues for flouting mandated minutes for gym instruction.
At Williamsburg’s P.S. 17, students and parents gathered Tuesday morning to protest the use of the school’s gym to house migrants. Some children held signs reading “We Need Recess!!!” and the crowd chanted, “We support asylum seekers, but not on school grounds.”
Tajh Sutton, the parent council president in Brooklyn’s District 14, which includes P.S. 17, said the lack of transparency from the city about their plans helped fuel the backlash. Sutton also contends that Adams has directly stoked anger toward migrants by regularly highlighting the costs associated with connecting them with services and claiming they have “destroyed” the city.
“He’s created the conditions for this vitriol,” she said. The protest at P.S. 17 “made me really sad because I think that parents’ frustration about not being communicated with is valid and parents’ exhaustion about a lack of transparency from the Department of Education is valid. But when you’re allowing that to let you veer into racism and xenophobia, you have to check yourself.”
Still, Sutton said some school communities are trying to be flexible. At P.S. 18, in East Williamsburg, the principal is working to communicate what’s happening with parents, funding alternative spaces for gym class, and tracking down an alternative venue for their graduation, she said. Some members of the community are working with a mutual aid group to provide toiletries to asylum seekers.
“The principal has done a really wonderful job,” Sutton said.
The city’s teachers union, local elected officials, the union representing school safety agents, and even immigrant advocates have raised concerns about the city’s plan.
“We don’t agree with utilizing active school buildings as housing for emergency shelter right now because we don’t want to disrupt a school environment,” said Murad Awawdeh, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition.
The union representing school safety agents, who are police department employees, also claimed in a letter to city officials that they were improperly asked to “monitor recently arrived asylum seekers in schools” and contend with “agitated” local residents.

It’s not the first time schools have been used as shelters.
Nor is it the first time that families feel like they are being kept in the dark about using schools as shelters.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in 2012, then-Mayor Michael Bloomberg opened emergency shelters in 76 public schools for New Yorkers who had no place to go after the storm flooded their homes or residential facilities.
At Brooklyn Tech, the nation’s largest brick-and-mortar high school, more than 200 adults from assisted living facilities in the Rockaways stayed in the school’s cafeteria and other spaces for two weeks while class was in session. The residents shared entrances with the students unlike the city’s current plan where there are separate entrances for the shelter.
“It was a terrible situation for all of these people who were homeless and displaced,” recounted Elissa Stein, a high school admissions consultant, who had a child at Brooklyn Tech at the time. “But the kids were having this experience that wasn’t necessarily safe.”
Residents needed medical services, like blood draws, and families were concerned about medical waste as well as strangers wandering the hallways and stairwells.
The city kept promising that the shelter would wrap up, but the end date kept getting delayed, Stein said.
“It was hard to get answers,” Stein said.
The goal is to close the shelters “as soon as possible,” a city hall spokesperson said. Officials did not provide a firm timeline, though, and noted that they have run out of space elsewhere and are seeking federal and state help.
The full scope of how school activities could be disrupted remains unclear.
At Williamsburg’s P.S. 17 and M.S. 577, which share a gym, parents were concerned that kids would lose their gym and also lose outdoor recess and some after-school activities since the gym fronts the playground, according to the New York Post.
City officials said they’re working to select facilities that wouldn’t have a direct effect on programming, but they acknowledged some schools will have to shift their physical education classes to a different venue, including outdoors or in other school spaces.
Under state law, children in elementary school are required to have at least 120 minutes of physical education each week. Middle schoolers must have at least 90 minutes, and high school students are required to have at least 180 minutes for seven semesters.
As the influx of migrants has strained the existing shelter system, Adams last week used an executive order to temporarily suspend some of the city’s rules around guaranteeing the right to shelter, including the requirement to place families in private rooms with bathrooms and kitchens. That could provide a path for the city to house children in school gyms, but a legal aid attorney told THE CITY that state regulations still prohibit children from group shelter settings, and that the city has moved children out of such sites after learning they were there.
A City Hall spokesperson said their “intent” is to only house adults in school gyms.
City officials did not share information on what kinds of facilities the gyms offer, such as adult toilets or showers. While high school gyms might have showers, typically elementary and middle schools do not, and all of the schools currently identified as housing asylum seekers are elementary and middle schools.
Jessamyn Lee, an elected parent member of the city’s Panel for Educational Policy, said details have been scarce about whether the city plans to bring in shower or bathroom trailers and how that might work logistically. “Where will those go — are they going in the street? Are they going in school yards? No information has been released,” she said.
Residents around at least two of the schools, Coney Island’s P.S. 188 and Sunset Park’s P.S. 172, filed complaints with the Department of Buildings raising questions about the legality of using the gyms to house people, public records show.
Alex Zimmerman is a reporter for Chalkbeat New York, covering NYC public schools. Contact Alex at azimmerman@chalkbeat.org.
Amy Zimmer is the bureau chief for Chalkbeat New York. Contact Amy at azimmer@chalkbeat.org.
Chalkbeat is a nonprofit news site covering educational change in public schools.
How about building those tents on Randall Islands? Or send them back to different cities in Texas.
Texas? Are you kidding? That’s where people go to be victims in a mass shooting.
We can do better.
Schumer, Nadler and the rest of the high-powered NY delegation are of course silent! The real problem is going to be when the children of migrants start to attend the schools. The already low standards of NYC public schools will be dropped even lower and our children will suffer as they bear the brunt of this open border policy. No other country in the world allows this, When will we say enough? Stop the sanctions, help people in place, and stop the war mongering and destabilization around the world.
Ahem. Half of the people reading Bill’s comment are first generation and we are doing fine.
I’m a first generation immigrant and I have children. I worked really hard to provide for my children. Why someone has a liberty to take away from my children saying that we had a lot? I surely don’t. I can barely support my own children.
In the early 1900s, 70% of kids attending school on the Lower East Side were immigrants or children of immigrants. English was not the primary language and schools had to offer new classes and resources to educate these “foreigners.” Schools also became a place where such children learned about America and about how they could make it here.
And we all know how badly that turned out. School standards dropped and the city went into social and economic regression and became an insignificant backwater. Oh, wait — actually, propelled largely by immigrants and their first-generation offspring, New York City in the 20th century became the nation’s center of dynamic business growth and creative energy.
DeBlasio declared we are a sanctuary city, so that’s what we are. Don’t complain, live with it.
The “sanctuary city” declaration was actually an executive order issued in 1989 by Mayor Ed Koch. It was even embraced by Rudy Giuliani in 1994, who said, “some of the hardest-working and most productive people in this city are undocumented aliens. If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you’re one of the people who we want in this city. You’re somebody that we want to protect, and we want you to get out from under what is often a life of being like a fugitive, which is really unfair.” Does anyone know why Mayor Adams can’t simply repeal the executive order?
So sorry, but you’re wrong. This is from 2017, see link.
Just awful to use our schools like this. Kids need the gyms.
Folks, it is all about we don’t have the money for this any longer. NOTHING to do with race. It could be airplanes full of people from Finland, it does not matter. Our city does not have the money to continue this. It’s that simple and nothing more. We have exhausted our resources. Stop making it something more, it’s offensive to do so.
Two thoughts:
1. Why does this continue to be New York City’s problem? There are countless places in America that can handle this better than us. This is not a NIMBY perspective. This is trying to do what is best for the migrants. I constantly read articles about “ghost malls” that have endless empty space – why not use these? Simple solution.
2. If you are going to use school gyms, wait a month until school is out. I’m sure they can figure out something to do in the interim. They will need to figure out another plan come September but that at least helps a little bit. If New York City schools ended around June 16 like the rest of America it would be even less of an issue but I digress.
ITA about the malls. I’ve driven from Maine to the Midwest and I was shocked that so many were empty (or near empty). They already have offices, security systems, bathrooms, food courts, and parking lots. I have no idea who owns them but it does seem like a logical solution. Or is that too simple of a plan?
Juan –
One reason is because (due to 1980s court cases) NYC is obligated to provide shelter to anyone in need including those who’ve come from out of state and out of country.
Even before this, adults and families from other states and other countries were being housed through the City’s homeless system. (Families are typically in apartment-type residences or hotels)
How wonderful that we are able to provide for these poor souls. Imagine being in a foreign land and having the community open their hearts (and wallets) to supply you with the food, shelter, healthcare, education, technology, and other necessities that you deserve. I feel privileged to be able to welcome our new neighbors. There is plenty of room and money in this city, state & country to accept them all (and then some!). God Bless.
SECOND ATTEMPT getting this posted: “plenty of room and money”. Wrong! No money, Adams is begging the Fed for funds! Do you know who pays to run NYC? Hundredmillionaire and billionaire taxpayers! Not you Sarah, and not me! Lots of those taxpayers have moved to Florida since 2020, so, NYC is broke!
Earth to Sarah –
I’m an immigrant I have children. I worked really hard to provide for my children. Why someone has a liberty to take away from my children saying that we had a lot? I surely don’t. I can barely support my own children.
If you want to support them, go and donate directly. Don’t speak for us who have children.
To quote my favorite expression – you are so open minded that your brain fell out.
This is neither good for the citizens of NYC nor for these migrants. The only people who benefit are the bleeding heart do-gooders who are always looking for a project that makes them feel good about themselves, even if it turns out they are helping themselves more than those who they think they are helping.
Really? You are cheering and “feel privileged “ to provide all this at the expense of our children? There’s plenty of room? Primary schools gyms are plenty of room ?
Do you have children? Seriously, are you willing to sacrifice your own children well-being or only other people’s?
Wonderful sentiments. May be you should pay for this out of your own pocket and not force others who do not feel that way to pay for this via their taxes?
I hate to break it to you, but money and room are both finite.
I appreciate the recognition of the humanity of the migrants, but we can’t feed and house people with kindness.
I wish there was as much uproar about better housing for these poor asylum seekers than worries about the gyms.
It’s very disturbing to see cot after cot after cot lined up with no regard to health, safety, and privacy for these poor people.
They’re being treated like cattle — actually worse. It’s not good for the students and it’s certainly not good for the immigrants.
What a welcome! I’m ashamed. We can do better.
There is lots of empty office space in Manhattan. IMO that would be better than using school gyms.
Why Brooklyn? What are the criteria for choosing sanctuary schools?
It’s time we update our immigration laws in this Country! It hasn’t be updated since 1986! It seems that we are operating an open door policy. I firmly believe in granting sanctuary to those who apply and are vetted – doesn’t seem to be the case here. We don’t take care of our own homeless who sleep on the streets and in subway stations, and yet we open school gymnasiums and hotels for migrants. Sorry but I just don’t get it!
Migrant children are already in many schools. Every classroom has 2 or 3 at PS 166
How are these migrants coming to New York City? Who is sending them here?
Is there a reason that New York City cannot say to whoever is sending migrants to New York City “Stop sending migrants to New York City”?
Does something prevent New York City from sending the migrants back to whoever is sending them to New York City in the first place?
What requires New York City — that is, you and me — to accept this unending responsibility?
What am I missing here? Yes, I want us to be helpful to people, but there comes a point where we physically can no longer be helpful. We are clearly beyond that point.
Why can’t we just say “Stop — no more”?
Like this is someone else’s problem? Mind you I don’t want to ever live in Texas but Texas, Arizona and California have been shouldering the burden of all of this & ignored by the WH – for too long. This is an American problem and it was inevitably going to finally arrive in NY’s lap as it has countless other cities.
Texas is busing many.
There is also social media messaging that NYC will provide housing and/or jobs – so people want to come.
Due to 1980s court cases (Callahan – adults, McCain – families) NYC is obligated to provide shelter to anyone in need – including those who’ve come from out of state and out of country.
Even before this, adults and families from other states and other countries coming to NYC and housed through the City’s homeless system. (Families are typically in apartment-type residences or hotels)
Remember the cruise ship that was co-opted for Covid care that turned out to be unnecessary? Commandeer a cruise ship! I’m pretty sure some are available that are considered obsolete and not in service.
What happened to those tents on Randalls Island? They were heated and the people, for the short time they were there, appeared to be comfortable. Inside the tent facility, the construction company contracted by the city had set up a recreation rooms with TVs, Wi-Fi, landline phones that can make international calls, foosball and ping-pong tables. There was also a dining hall where three meals were served every day, a laundry room, showers, and even Xbox games. All of a sudden they were taken down and all the contents that we tax payers paid for just disappeared.
I found this online: “Migrant center on Randall’s Island to close, up to 600 asylum seekers heading to Watson Hotel in Midtown. NEW YORK — The city is shutting down the migrant center on Randall’s Island. As CBS2’s Dick Brennan reported Thursday, the decision comes as the wave of asylum seekers coming to the area has slowed considerably. Nov 10, 2022”
I’d really like to know what happened with the original group of immigrants who were placed in the Bronx and then shifted to Randall’s Island (due to flood conditions), and then to the Watson Hotel. Are they still being moved around or did they find permanent housing?
In any case, it might be a good time to rebuild the tent city on Randall’s Island.
I love how the Author uses, It’s always been this way Schools have always been used this way. 1984 was written as a warning, liberals use it like a how to manual.
The author compares natural disasters with a man-made disaster that they are stubbornly ignoring and gaslighting people who dare point it out. .