By Carol Tannenhauser
The big rain Saturday night clearly flooded out the 86th Street Transverse in Central Park, and as of 2 p.m. on Sunday, it was still closed with what appears to be a foot of water near the Central Park West side. Thanks to Ed Hersh for the photo and heads-up.
Update: Notification issued 04-24-2023 at 4:26 AM, by NotifyNYC. “Following a prior closure, all lanes of the 86th Street Transverse have reopened between 5th Avenue and Central Park West in Manhattan. Expect residual delays.”
All the Transverse’s crossings in Central Park needs a better drainage system. Now with the climate change increasing, it must be done as soon as possible.
I just said last night that when climate change affects our area it will be flooding. And so it begins.
If your theory was true, Manhattan would be underwater anyway. So spending money on drainage solutions would be a waste.
Nice try !
And while they’re at it, how about paving the walkways in the transverses; they are in horrible shape.
Criticism is easy; Action is better.
Hopefully you DO donate (as I do) to the Central Park Conservancy, which maintains our park better than the D.o.P. NEVER did.
the transverses are city streets. bad enuf we have privatized city parks, now we have to privatize city streets?
It was always a matter of the city budget. CPC stepped in with private money; now CPC effectively pays wages of Parks employees. City will never resume responsibility for picking up the tab.
Same with New York City Transit.
City kicked private companies that ran subways and buses to curb for various reasons. Only to find city couldn’t afford to run transit system either, so got Albany/MTA to take on NYCTA.
In decades since NYC spends less and less money (or rather sends) to Albany in aid of funding MTA/NYCTA.
BdeB and some members of city council starting making noises about taking NYCA back from MTA. That idea went no where fast and was quickly dropped. City then nor certainly now cannot afford to run the subway and bus system.
Taxes fund parks. Or should, if Eric wasn’t pouring every dime the city had into the NYPD. Conservancies propagate this perverse budgetary paradigm
INFERNAL Revenue Service, where is the money going? And how much is being spent welcoming our future “guest workers”?
Without the “guest workers” working on the farms, you wouldn’t have what to eat.
Thank God for Central Park Conservancy. They’ve done an amazing job. I remember what the Park looked like in 1989. Sad.
We were driving back into the city during the rainstorm and my husband said — I am going to Central Park South to cross to the West Side. The 86th transverse is likely flooded again. He knew, as well as I, that that transverse floods every time it rains hard like it was that night. Something needs to be done about the drainage there!!
Share your concerns on this survey, not primarily about the transverses but the Central Park Conservancy said at a recent CB7 meeting they want all comments about travel in the park.
I volunteer for the CP Conservancy & asked whether we could clean up the transverses for pedestrians. I was told those roads fall under the aegis of the City, not the Conservancy. The transverses need a lot of loving attention for the safety of those who walk it.
Ducks, come on down!
The issue here is not more $$$ and/or system. It’s called regularly checking and cleaning out the catch basins on the road/walkway. The leaves from last fall are still covering them in all the transverses. Be it the city or CPC this should be done regularly. Having been in NOLA recently I’m sorry to say they have the same issues. just like before Katerina, garbage, mud and plants growing in the cathchbasins. Street flood every time it rains
They’d have plenty of money if they hadn’t destroyed the iconic Lasker Pool near 110th st. It will be rebuilt smaller at a cost of $175 million. Conserve better. It was charming with its Coney Island style.