A New Way to “See” Your Hearing will be the topic for the next meeting of the NYC chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America on October 5 at 6:00-7:30. Audiologist Brad Ingrao and inventor Jay Alan Zimmerman will discuss how the current audiogram design often causes confusion for patients, creates stigmatizing language, and prevents a full and accurate view of their entire hearing ability. Jay will demonstrate how these problems led to the creation of his new full spectrum audiogram design, aka The Hearing Visualizer, that transforms the audiogram’s image of a “hearing loss” into an easy-to-understand visual of a person’s “field of hearing.” For a preview of the project, watch Jay’s video How To See Hearing Instead of Hearing Loss (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Brd5L0GS3xw)
Jay Alan Zimmerman, aka “Broadway’s Beethoven,” is a composer, author, performer, inventor, speaker, installation artist and accessibility advocate. Dr. Ingrao’s clinical practice encompasses the entire spectrum of audiology care with particular focus on severe to profound hearing loss, including cochlear implants, Hearing Assistive Technologies and hearing loss prevention and treatment for musicians.
To register for this captioned program, click here. After registering, you will receive an email with the Zoom link.
Can’t Hear? We are here for you!
The New York City Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America is a vibrant community dedicated to helping people with hearing loss lead more satisfying and productive lives. At the chapter’s monthly meetings, speakers address topics such as hearing aids and hearing-aid alternatives, assistive technology, interpersonal strategies, and advocacy initiatives. Those of you who are interested can find information about our organization on our chapter website by clicking here.