Books of Wonder, the children’s bookstore at 217 West 84th Street, will close by the end of the month, according to owner Peter Glassman.
“The building where our West 84th street store has been located for the past four years has been sold to a new owner and as part of the sale, they have chosen to deliver the building without retail tenants,” he wrote in an email to customers.
The store, which opened in 2017, is now offering a 20% discount on everything in the store if you come in in person. Glassman says they won’t be restocking the store, so if there’s something you wanted to buy you should head in as soon as possible. Books of Wonder also has a location on 17th Street and you can buy items online.
Glassman said that he’s looking for a space for a new Upper West Side location, and hopes to open one by late summer or fall. “We love the Upper West Side and hope to continue being a part of the supportive and welcoming community that has been so wonderful over the past years,” he wrote.
Would be perfect inside the old Metro movie theater on Broadway and 99th, which the owner abandoned years ago.
Too close to B&N
What about the old Bank St Bookstore location?
Yes, GREAT idea!
It is the BEST store for buying books for children and young adults. The staff is so knowledgable and extremely helpful. They will be missed!
Are they going to knock down the building and build tall luxury condos?
They are building the big building next door now at 85 and Broadway.
I believe much of the building on the north side of 84th between Broadway and Amsterdam, starting closer to Broadway, is one big, long connected building, going more than half way up the block towards Amsterdam (Eagles Court). I think Books of Wonder is part of that. I wonder how much of the footprint the new building will have.
I have friends in the building. The plan hasn’t been formally announced but from what they are hearing, that’s exactly what’s happening.
That was my first question.
We love you! Hope you find a great new location!
This is such a neighborhood gem. Hopefully with all the pandemic retail closings they can find new space nearby. Don’t leave the UWS!
Not terribly surprised. That store is incredibly overpriced. $75 for two kids books and a stuffed animal. That left a sour taste in my mouth, vowed to never go back.
20% off is still much more expensive than anywhere else.
$75 sounds high to me at first too, but books have list prices and many toys do too so I’m not sure what the issue is. Prices online may be more competitive but that’s another discussion.
No, this store is just very expensive. We love books. What we need to replace this is a Well priced store or even a secondhand shop. Kids don’t need first editions or super expensive books. They need books they can dog ear and reread and reread till the binding breaks without worrying how expensive it was. Also staff was not knowledgeable and a bit supercilious.
Books of Wonder is the best and I hope they find a place up here! Lots of open retail near 77th and columbus!
We will miss Books of Wonder! Staff was so knowledgable. Good luck finding a new space and please keep us posted.
They are planning to reopen on the UWS and are actively looking for a new space. It sounds like they are looking at a space on 72nd Street.
Happy to hear Books of Wonder is looking for another spot on the Upper West Side. I don’t think the Metro would be a good place for it….the Metro would be wonderful for a little theater for Actor’s Equity performances, little opera companies, intimate concerts. We need a neighborhood place like that!
They are a gem! They have a perfect suggestion for every age. I hope they find another UWS space.
Wanted to love this store but recommendations were repeatedly awful. Since the prices were too there was no point in returning.
We love Books of Wonder! Great staff with age-appropriate suggestions. We hope they find a new spot on the UWS.
There is no bookstore in Yorkville UES B&N left 86st. The space will be a Target. How can a neighborhood with so many public and private schools not have a bookstore? Please consider.
I know I’m the outlier, but I grew up on the UWS and never set foot in a children’s bookstore. My father was a writer; my parents took the line that you could read what was on the shelves at home… which was a ton of books, none child friendly. My sibs and I readthrough them according to our interests and inclinations. I’m a writer. My sibs have kids. One teaches Englisg and all are readers,as are my stepsons, nieces and nephews. The key is reading and access is parents who read, not children’s bookstores and reading parties. It’s a shame that this venerable bookstore is in trouble–trust me, I lament the loss of old businesses like, say, Reminiscence–but this isn’t a line in the sand.
I love Books of Wonder and hope they find a new UWS home soon. Banks Street’s old store would be great. The Children’s Museum is supposed to move to 96th and CPW so one of the empty storefronts in the 90s or 100s on Broadway would be great.