By Carol Tannenhauser
When he sketched his famous “I ❤️ NY” logo on the back of an envelope in a taxi cab in 1977, the late, great graphic designer and Upper West Sider Milton Glaser never dreamed it would endure as a symbol of New York City and the love it inspires — especially in tough times.
“The presence of the late Milton Glaser is still being felt on the Upper West Side,” wrote tipster and graphic designer himself, Randy Enochs. “I took these photos in the neighborhood and designed this tribute to him. Glaser’s ‘I ♥ NY’ logo will forever echo in our hearts. RIP Milton…June 26, 1929 – June 26, 2020.
I love NYC, or at least the way it was in the 90s and 20s. But now, its. back to the 70s. Very sad. It did not have to happen, but a bad choice of mayor and lurch to the left and look what happens. Gulliani or Bloomberg would have handled COVID better. I moved from the UWS and now live in Middle Tennessee. I miss the UWS and Central Park but now I have safety and peace of mind. Thank God Zabar’s ships anywhere so I still have bagels and lox. Good Bye NYC. It was fun.
I’ve loved here my whole life, since the 80s. My mother moved to the US, to the UWS, in the 1970s.
This is nothing like how it was in the early 90s, let alone the 1970s. There is no comparison.
If you don’t feel safe, that is fine. But i am blown away by people who say it is like the 1970s. It is not even close tk how it was back in the early 90s, and the 70s was far worse. Furthermore, people are forgetting how many people hated Giuliani when he was mayor. The quality of life rules were so restrictive. It was awful.
It hasn’t been the 20s yet. I’ll take a broken NYC over anywhere Tennessee any day.
You live in Tennessee yet you speak of the UWS as if you are here. I actually live here, and while we are struggling tremendously through COVID-19 and the Mayor did a horrible job, it’s not half as bad as people are making it out to be. I am a female who lives near the shelters. I walk around day and night and I don’t fear from my safety at all.
The hyperbole about the situation doesn’t help, especially from people who don’t actually live here.
Elizabeth, I, too, live here. I walk back and forth from West End to Columbus due to work. Lucky you, you haven’t encountered any of the men who are ill on many levels. In 45 years of living on the UWS, I’ve never once been nervous or scared until now. Many of these men are irrational & threatening and aren’t receiving the help they need. The city sucks right now. Please don’t fantasize about it. It IS as bad as people say it is. Will we rise again? Sure, just not any time soon.
We actually live here. It is awful. We are leaving soon.
Over & Out then.
Yeah, because Tennessee is doing such a great job with Covid
Mr. Berger:
Really loving New York means sticking it out – through thick and thin. Through ups and downs. That’s what love is all about.
It means being New York Tough.
Which you, sadly, are not.
Loving NYC in the ’90s & ’20’s is not really loving New York.
A real love relationship accepts the ups and downs. And sees appreciates through both.
Yes, Giuliani and Bloomberg, neither of whom would have had any authority to act (like De Blasio) because of the Governor’s superseding powers, would have brought down the infection rate much faster. A nice fantasy.
You were around in the 20’s? What was Prohibition like?
I literally laughed out loud—thank you!
Thank you for this tribute to a great artist and true New Yorker.
Yeah, sure – Giuliani and Bloomberg would have handled Covid better. Half the city would have been stopped and frisked to death. Good y’all riddance.
I remain conceptually a fan of stop and frisk, though admit that it was overdone.
Unfortunately, deBlasio has chosen to swing too far in the opposite direction so there is absolutely no enforcement of basic laws. Do the crime, do the time. Broken windows policing works. Police officers cannot do their jobs now and are afraid to try to do so. If they were just enforcing the law, many of our problems would go away and people would not have a problem with law-abiding homeless people in the hotels.
“8 times Bill de Blasio downplayed the coronavirus” from the Washington Post
Left NY but hangs out on the westside rag just to troll and rip the city when he can. Lol Sounds like a great guy. Must be a miserable. Good riddance. As someone who stayed and didn’t bail when things got tough I’ve never loved NYC more. This is a nice story take keep your negative comments elsewhere. I’ve lived here for 5 years the city has been wonderful and safe. We are in a pandemic obviously a big/dense city like NYC is going to have some struggles. I’m sure the 20’s were wonderful 🤣
” I’ve lived here for 5 years the city has been wonderful and safe.” —- not lately…
Try not to be a Fair Weather New York City Lover.
Try not to criticize every post that your radical beliefs do not align with.
Well spoken.
Your 5 years have been well spent.
We’re 5 generations and have watched as people move out (think “White Flight”).
Sammy, you got the fight to stay!
Stay determined and purposeful. You’ll receive a lot for your effort.
I have no plan on leaving I love it even more after the last few months. All cities go though ups and downs. People forget we are still in a pandemic…it’s not going to be life as usual. It’s also a city! We live in NYC not Garden City. There are going to be crime, homelessness etc..even with a rise in crime it’s still rather safe for a big city. I often wonder how miserable ppl have to be to come a thread like this and be a negative asshole. This was a nice post. Take your negativity somewhere else.
Rudy? No thanks. Mike okay. What made NYC so exciting back in the 70s or 80s when Glaser’s work was getting recognized was the City was full of energy and a place where people could afford to live and eat… before it became a kinda theme park destination. ILuvNY. ILuvMG!
Yes. Pointless, but unavoidable, to continue kicking myself for not making what would have been a very easy move to NYC in the 1970s. If I wanted to live in a theme park, I would pick one without a growing monoculture.
A cute family story.
My grandmother lived in The Bronx from the time she was 14. When our family would visit her, she never failed to remind us that “I love America”.
When I was older, I finally took up the courage to correct her strongly-held belief.
“Grandma, you’ve rarely leave New York City, I think it’s ‘I Love New York!'”
To love New York, which I do very much–is to stick with it, warts and all. Luckily, Giuliani isn’t the mayor. It’s enough that he supports a fascist president in his total m mishandling of the epidemic!
OMG, remember Mayor Gulliani? One of the most vile, hateful, and vengeful people I can think of. How horrible was Rudy Giuliani?? Lemme put it this way: when I rescued a little Yorkie named “Rudy,” first thing I did was rename him. Rudy Giuliani… what a horror show.
Unfortunately Giuliani is not the mayor he was great for the city. Thank god Trump is the president! one of the best ever in actions maybe not so much in words.
Also while we are at it, lets impeach DeBlasio the worst mayor in the history of the city, right here:
This notion that people are somehow “weak” or not “tough enough” if they leave NY is so misguided. Like having fresh air? Like not hearing the neighbors toilet flush? Like being able to have a washer dryer? Don’t like sitting in your car for 3 hours a week? Value your personal safety? Ooh you are so weak.
NYC is done.
Man I can’t wait to move to the suburbs so I can have a washer/drier. I’m missing out!!
Bye suburbsscott. We are done with you.
Scott, this hyperbole is obvious.
Fresh air?
I’m in the parks EVERY DAY.
Ever walk along the Hudson River?
Like Walt Whitman
NYC will never be “done”. We will get through this like we always have. Enjoy the suburbs—more for us to enjoy here without you.
Were it not for Pioneer Supermarket, we would not have made it through the pandemic in its worst days. Always well stocked and clean. Thank you to all Pioneer management & staff!
We remain loyal longstanding and future customers.
Second Pioneer. They toughed it out like real New Yorkers do.
And, Scott: real New Yorkers who need a backyard and haven’t managed the trick of sending the laundry out, why, they become rich and successful and get all that stuff at their second homes Upstate.
We are all Pioneers now.
With a Great Adventure before us.
I used to see these bumper stickers down south in the 80s. Someone made their own bumper sticker ” Heart NY? Take I-95″