The victim was wearing a blue raincoat.
Winds have been very high on Monday, and the storm appears to have felled a tree on West End Avenue between 66th and 69th Street.
Gwen Solomon shot the photos above and below from her 2nd floor terrace at Lincoln Towers. Her husband Stan tells us “Gwen heard a thud, and then somebody yelling help!” They called 911 and firefighters and an ambulance came to help the victim. From the photos it appears that the person was able to walk again on their own after help arrived.
“EMS responded at 9:54 a.m. for reports of an injured patient at 180 W End Ave,” the FDNY told us. “One transported to Mount Sinai West Hospital. No further information.”
Oomph.. so SO glad they’re (apparently) ok. This always worries me when walking near trees or (especially) scaffolding during high-winds.
Lincoln towers is going to see a big lawsuit from the apparent victim.
This woman appears to be only slightly injured.
However, several ambulances, a police car and a fire truck arrived to assist her.
This appears to be an absurd waste of city resources, especially considering the current pandemic.
What? You think being hit by a tree requires no assistance? Good thing she had others looking out for her safety.
I didn’t say she required no assistance but I don’t see how she needed two fire trucks and numerous ambulances and police cars.
Police, emergency and medical personnel are better needed elsewhere these days.
Apparently, when a call goes in, they send all who are in the area, and then those who are not needed leave. I know it seems wasteful to me too, but I do have some suspicion that the people who run the system have, in some way, taken the decades of collective experience into account and I give them the benefit of the doubt. Of course, if you have experience in such things, perhaps you’re better positioned to critique.
That’s an absurd take, Sherman. ABSURD.
Make that TWO firetrucks plus the Ambulances at 10 am
How can they know before they get there— not a waste of resources at all. They have to get there to assess it.
One injury one ambulance
No. First responders know best how to use resources. Not random citizens.
Thank goodness for Gwen Solomon and for the firefighters and ambulance responders.
Central got a called of two people hit by a falling tree, possibly pinned. That’s why they sent two ambulances; it was unknown as to the extent of their injuries. Since Ladder 35 is there its most likely the other was Engine 40. Both where sent as the didn’t know if they would have to cut up the tree to get the victims out for the medicos. They would use the manpower to move the tree. 35 & 40 would usually not be responding to C19 calls the FDNY EMT’s would. The 20 sector car was there to make a report for the files, as in instances like this there could be legal action.
Pls understand that calls for the services are ranked by urgency and where obviously available to respond to the radio job
I wish there was a like button. It is always nice to see a comment from someone who actually knows something.
Also, the call for ambulances just “goes out” over radio bands listened to by…. ambulance companies. So sometimes they are racing each other to get there first.
Thanks for your explanation, Robert. And for your note, Anne, about the competing ambulance responders. Now THAT
makes little sense!