Someone just trying to have a little nerd-fun made posters poking fun at subway delays, replacing station names with Star Wars planet names. But their efforts were vanquished by the MTA, which alerted a station agent of the presence of a rebel force.
A Star Wars fan (or perhaps a George Lucas publicity agent?) pasted a poster to the wall of the 72nd Street B-C subway station at Central Park West on Tuesday. It said that trains would skip Alderaan and Naboo, planets in the Star Wars universe because of “irregularity.”
But as soon as the poster was sent out by West Side Ragger Michael McDowell over the Twitter-waves, the MTA jumped to action.
Hi, Michael. We reached out to station supervision about this unauthorized poster. Thanks for sharing the photo and have a great day. ^JP
— NYCT Subway (@NYCTSubway) January 7, 2020
And the rebel force was vaporized. As Chewbacca would say, “GARRGRROORGR!”
I have not laughed this hard since…I do not recall. Hahaha
Love this so much! Such creativity.
So will Princess Leie have to take a substitute bus at 86th Street to get home?
This is great!
The creative force is strong with this one.
The MTA could only dream of being as on time as the Millenneum Falcon. Of course they would have no sense of humor.
As an answer to #4: only if she purchases her ticket ahead of time. 86 crosstown is an SBS (select bus service). Regardless, you’re right. I hope she knows this
Awww-wwww-wwwww!!! Why did they take it down? This is actually FUNNY. . . .something we could use MORE of!!