Hampton Chutney, a South Indian restaurant featuring dosas and other specialties, closed its doors at 464 Amsterdam Avenue (82nd-83rd) on December 31 after 11 years. The Soho location remains open. Thanks to Anna, Chris, Marsha and Jon for the tips.
Women’s clothing store Loft at 2015 Broadway (69th) is closing on January 27. A manager told Sunny Mindel it had to do with a rent increase.
Teavana is closing its store on 81st and Broadway on January 21. The closure was anticipated given that its owner Starbucks announced last year it was closing its Teavana stores. Thanks to Kevin for the photo.
Bright Horizons child care center opened this week in the former home of Duane Reade at 253 72nd Street.
Amsterdam Cafe at 83rd and Amsterdam closed at the end of the year, according to a sign on the front of the door. Taryn tells us they were holding an auction for remaining items.
I a man so upset to hear about Hampton Chutney. It has been a go to place for lunch for my entire family. It was the one place we could always agree on.
On November 8, CB7 overwhelming approved a new storefront for Hampton Chutney. Did the bottom fall out of the chutney market or did people get tired of the beach?
“Did the bottom fall out of the chutney market or did people get tired of the beach?”
What a remarkably ignorant posting. If you don’t know the facts, perhaps you should restrain yourself from saying anything.
Hampton Chutney was not a “chutney market”, nor was it *in* “the chutney market”. If you had ever been there, you would know that they offered prepared foods — dosas, sandwiches and soups. Chutneys were, appropriately, provided as condiments. On the side. Not at all the business mainstay.
And the restaurant had nothing to do with any “beach”. The owners, who got their start making chutneys at home, lived in the Hamptons area, and so called their product “Hampton Chutney”. When the business was successful they expanded into prepared foods, and kept the business name. If you had ever been there, you would know that you never saw any reference to, or image of, the Hamptons beyond the business name.
I’m sure you thought you were being clever, but you’ve only come across as uninformed, unaware and closed minded.
“I’m sure you thought you were being clever, but you’ve only come across as uninformed, unaware and closed minded.”
At least Michael doesn’t lack a sense of humor as anyone with even a fraction of one would’ve read it as joking and not posted such an inflammatory response.
I think he tried to make a funny about the Hampton Jitney but failed miserably. I wish people didn’t feel as if they need to entertain people with their dumb attempts at humor.
Oh lord yes. The less humor amongst upper west siders siders the better. We need to lean on our core skills of pretense, hypocritical moral outrage, patronizing superiority and self-serious ennui. Or better yet, if that’s your style move to Paris, buy a beret, a pack of Gauloises, and a Foucault reader while you rail against the Bourgeois.
Both you guys are dumber than me. I noted that they just came to the community board and got approval for a new storefront. There is a back story we aren’t getting here. You don’t spend the money for an architect and go throught the effort for approvals unless you are a going business.
PS – I have had many meals there but I profess little knowledge of the Hamptons.
Pretty soon there’ll be nothing left.
Are Loft or Teavana going to have a closeout sale?
So sad to see so many businesses go away.
I wish Westside Market had been able to take over the old Duane Reade location at 253 w. 72nd st.
Sorry for the posting about the day care, I didn’t see all of the other replies until just now. :/
Isn’t there a nursery school in that spot? They really should have started negotiating months ago.
Bright Horizons…such a waste of good space. West 72nd street has become useless. Depressing, boring. How does it happen that the east side and west village and almost every other neighborhood can manage to open interesting eclectic stores and we have day care? I actually liked that Duane Reade and used them all the time. Very handy. What a shame ..a major crosstown street ….what’s the opposite of gentrification? How do you describe the downgrade of a neighborhood?
Very ignorant and heartless comment.
I have yet to visit this location but I have put my child in other Bright Horizons centers for backup care and it is an incredible resource that allows me to go to work when our regular child care options are not available. And for many people it is a relatively affordable source of primary child care.
I am sorry that this is not of use to the grumpy old people who like to comment here but if you want to keep the UWS accessible for those who are not billionaires and can afford multiple nannies, businesses like Bright Horizons are needed and appreciated.
I live on W 72 and it doesn’t bother me one bit that its a day care center.
The most important and encouraging thing: IT’S NOT ANOTHER %$#@& NAIL SALON.
Can we start a petition to re-name West 72 Street to West Nail Salon Street?
What’s wrong with day care?
It looks like they built out a very nice looking space to serve the needs of the neighborhood.
Westside Market would have died a miserable death in that location, there really is no foot traffic on that block AND then you’d be whining about Westside driving out of business West End Superette which is 300 feet down the block on the corner of West End and 72nd.
Sorry you have to walk the extra one half block to get to the next closest Duane Reade – maybe you should get out a little more often.
I guess some people just love to complain.
How is a childcare center a waste of good space? For those who can’t afford or don’t want a nanny, and don’t have family help, childcare is the only option – and this is a great location for pickups/drop-offs for UWS residents and close to a subway.People need somewhere to send their kids and this Duane Reade was made obsolete by the newer, nicer once on the corner of Broadway and 72nd.
Sometimes I am amazed at the things commentators on this site will whine about, but then I remember, this is the UWS we are talking about. Damned it you do, damned if you don’t.
The UWS is all about people waiting to be offended.
Ha! Waiting to be offended is pretty accurate! And I agree, this is the best place to live in the city
I agree! Despite all the complainers, closings and openings…still think this is the best hood ever!
I’ll never understand the animosity people have for this day care. You’d think it was a sex shop, the way people have gone on about it since the day it was announced.
Some people have kids and need day care. That’s life. If there’s no market, they’ll close for lack of business. If they’re fulfilling a need, they’ll stay open. Life’s too short. Get over it.
1000 thumbs up! It’s like, do I loathe the medical supply store near me simply because I do not at this time need medical supplies? We were all babies once. But from some of the anti-kid commenters on this site, you’d think there are some of us who managed to emerge from the womb as full-grown adults.
I’m shocked about Amsterdam Cafe, that place was always packed. Even at 3am, the only place in the neighborhood to get late night food, they’d have customers in there.
I saw the Jeffrey Stein hair place on 86th/Broadway had its windows papered over last night.
They’re refurbishing.
The one on Columbus $ 84 May close.
Amsterdam Cafe for most of its existence was Amsterdam Deli, a crowded bodega. The owners were enterprising to switch it out, but I guess that didn’t work. Too bad about Hampton Chutney. Lots of turnover in this little stretch of Amsterdam, although stalwarts like Hi Life and Fred’s still seem to be going strong.
Too bad about Amsterdam Cafe. They had the best bodega flowers around (imo).
Lincoln Center/ Square area needs some love . The 60’s are a wasteland .
Too bad about Hampton Chutney. I liked their drinks and cookies.
Hey everyone! Amsterdam Cafe is NOT CLOSING!! The are simply renovating. They are gut renovating because they are now going to bring in rotisserie chicken and a pizza oven as well as bring back alllllllll the other food they had before! The owner told me it’s gonna take about 3-4 weeks! They even had people working in they today as to keep the process moving!
Wow, Teavana is quite a loss.
Curse the fates for conspiring thus us against us. Devastating. First the Maille mustard store, now this. Just bereft. What will we all do for tea in the neighborhood now?? Or mustard?
I guess I’ll just pack it in and head back to Wichita. At this point, what’s the difference?
Just order your tea and mustard from Amazon like everyone else and then please comment as to why businesses are disappearing.