All Angels Church at 251 W. 80th St between Broadway and West End is open to the homeless Thursday night, and they’re asking for donations of clothes and other necessities:
From 60 degrees to SNOWING! All Angels’ doors are now open for a “code blue” emergency shelter. Our doors are open now until tomorrow morning. We are blessed to have the space to open up to our brothers and sisters sleeping on the streets and in train stations on freezing nights such as this.We have room for 50 people and will be providing food and games today and beds, showers and a light meal tonight until 7am tomorrow. Here’s how you can help:
1. Drop-off foods, toiletries, warm clothes, shoes or any other goods that might bless our guests.
2. Make a donation of $40 to help cover costs for meals, security, and supplies. You can click on this link and select “Emergency Shelter”. Get the word out and share the link!
If you see anyone on the streets today, send them our way: 251 W. 80th St between Broadway and West End. And as always, a heartfelt thank you for your support!
The donation link you posted doesn’t work. Is this the right link?
Thanks, fixed.
This church has had a historic mission on the UWS. Was started in the 1830s by St. Michaels uptown in order to serve the African-American community in Seneca Village. You can still see the cornerstone in a grassy area near Spector Playground. Throughout its history, when the church serves the poor, attendance and giving increase; when it doesn’t, they wane.
When can items be dropped off?
What of the Blue code , re sweeps of homeless encampments in N.Y.C. ” [UGH] I’ve suffered via certain agencies, &, [allegedly] a certain politician; &, more…….Deport illegal aliens away from U.S.A., now. No to credit report; affidavit re federal income tax; &, mo’…I’m internationally hidden homeless; don’t know what’ll happen to me & to my belongings re a certain agency, which some of us from another agency were transferred to. @1954, U.W. Side was nicer in some ways. No to anchor babies. I’ve complaints @ some agencies, some S.R.O.s, some Shelters [for humans]. I no longer have pets, houseplants. Sick to death of some Muslims, some of the Spanish language; some nasty of my folk; some West Africans; &, more. Already prayed. n.b. Butler’s Lives of the Saints; fools for Christ – [Russian Orthodox]. I’ve slept on Bathroom floor since 2016 ? In peril, Senior Citizen, was middle-class. Horrid , deep snow in 10039, 10030 – recently. Senior Center & N.Y.P.L. closed for a while – surprises ! P.S. Help our Coast Guard; “Build that Wall, & make Mexico pay for it.” No to ‘1 China’ policy. n.b. Pickles, the homeless Dog of Windsor. I’ve tragic tales of some pet birds, internationally. Shaloha.