106th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam.
Councilman Mark Levine is pushing the city to install a new crosswalk and traffic signal on 106th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenue, a stretch that has been the site of 57 traffic injuries since 2009.
There are two senior centers in the middle of that block — Jewish Home Lifecare and Red Oak — and the community board has been discussing ways of making the area safer.
A spokesperson for the city Department of Transportation wrote that the department “will initiate a traffic study at West 106th Street between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenues for the feasibility of a midblock crosswalk and traffic signal.”
That’s fine, but how about 106th Street and Broadway? That, too, is dangerous.
Seems like a good idea. I always wonder how the old folks in those centers get around, since they’re semi-marooned in the middle of the block and W. 106th is a two-way street.
Great place for the cops to camp out now and write tickets to every biker who slow rolls through a completely empty crosswalk with no cross traffic.