Even Eleanor Roosevelt got in on the act on Saturday as Upper West Siders headed off to the Women’s March in midtown. She’s wearing one of the “pussyhats”, which have been made at places like Knitty City on 79th Street over the past few weeks.
West Siders, like the “Grandma” below also marched on Broadway, and the Three Parks Dems club gathered for speeches by Congressman Jerry Nadler and City Councilmember Helen Rosenthal at the 96th Street station before heading off to the march.
Councilmember Mark Levine, who also reps part of the UWS, traveled to the march by subway too.
Subway packed with powerful uptown women on the way to march against hateful agenda of @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/woXhAZ4tEt
— Mark D. Levine (@MarkLevineNYC) January 21, 2017
Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal was in Washington D.C.
We are in DC for the #WomensMarch!! #teamlindarosenthal @cfdnyc @fviola88 @westsiderag pic.twitter.com/BrOEsroc96
— Linda B. Rosenthal “the #OriginalRosenthal” (@LindaBRosenthal) January 21, 2017
This is not the first time, of course, people have spoken out after elections. In 2012, the president advocated for a march in opposition to Barack Obama’s election.
We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012
Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2012
Karma is a bitch!
It’s confusing to see so many smiles for such supposedly “angry” people. Perhaps marching is just an excuse for some people to commiserate since their candidate didn’t win. Misery does love company, as the saying goes.
It’s TRUE!!! My son has said to me for years, “Mom, smile! It REALLY confuses them!” Yes, it REALLY DOES! Here’s the proof! I’m LOL 😂!
Unlike the Right, people on the Left are able to hold two or more thoughts/emotions in their heads simultaneously.
Mike, that certainly is a mic drop. Good on ya.
I oopsed. I said Mike when I meant Mark.
“It’s confusing to see so many smiles for such supposedly “angry” people. Perhaps marching is just an excuse for some people to commiserate since their candidate didn’t win. Misery does love company, as the saying goes.”
An excuse to commiserate, lol? How about angry people who are happily standing up for the rights to their own bodies? 🙂
Good idea: women wear their pussyhats in solidarity every monday.
Let’s wear our pussy hats every Monday to make a stand and keep the momentum
Let’s call them our Pink Crowns. The other is crude and stoops to their level. And when “they go down, we go high!”
Of course they are, Donald! They are laughing because you because you’re not qualified to be President and cheated your way to be elected.
Give me a break.
I don’t like Trump either but he did not cheat.
He won fair and square against a deeply flawed candidate.
Even if not, Trump is still, you know, like literally Hitler, so… {/sarcasm}
I have started a closed FaceBook group. I want to organize a group who will call their Congressmen about a special subject that I will post -perhaps every day, maybe a couple of times during the week. I think if we all make 3 phone calls about the same subject we might get their attention. I’ll add members who are willing to call their Congresspersons about our topics. Any other suggestions?
Please check it out and REQUEST TO JOIN.
For those who wish to show this group to friends use this link to send to them.
Why isn’t the facebook group you are forming an open group rather than a closed group? What’s the big secret?
your pink hats should be made of tinfoil. Trump is president, and there is nothing, absolutely zero, that any of you can do about it. byebye obama, a horrible president who among other things, pushed back race relations 50 years.
I love when people blame Obama for poisoning race relations. If he did, it was only because he WAS black, and so his existence caused the white right to freak out and revert openly to their 1960s segregationist real selves. They thought that everyone understood, as they do, that “White House” meant “No Coloreds Allowed.”
Well, rejoice. You got your KKK President and I hope he lives up to your expectations. He is certainly living up to ours.
Instead of condemning BLM for inciting hatred towards police officers, he invited the leader to the White House, multiple times. Police officers in NY, TX, and other states were killed (including black policemen), because of lunatics inspired by BLM. Obama is directly responsible. Your screaming of Trump being a KKK president is laughable, if anyone would be a KKK president it would of been Hillary, with her love for her mentor, ex-grand KKK wizard Byrd.
Lots of opinions presented as facts as usual – not so surprising from one of our resident emotional right wing posters.
not surprising a liberal will deny choices made and subsequent events that occurred and just praise their “dear leader” like the end of the SNL show a few days ago ala North Korea. He’s off playing golf, where he belongs.
This takes self fulfilling prophesy to a whole new level
I marched for all of us who wanted to- and couldn’t!But this time I’m also marching as an anti-fascist! Time to wake up folks! We ‘d better get together now. The signs of Hitler fascism are plainly seen.
Comparing someone even as odious as Trump to Hitler is irresponsible, ignorant, and harmful.
Please think before you make such comparisons.
The world is laughing at YOU not US! If you don’t slow down and think before you tweet, you’re going to trip over your own ego and go DOWN!
Thank you to the powerful women who know how to conduct a peaceful March. When women get together they make a Big a powerful difference. In March 25th 1911
one of the deadliest fires in the history of
New York City occurred it happened at The
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory 146 women
died, due to poor working conditions which prevented
their escape, the women of NYC took to the streets
Marched protested and demanded better and safer
Working conditions as a result today we have
ILGWU (International Ladies Garmet workers
Union. Let us not underestimate the power of women.
You bet the world is laughing at us and it’s all connected to you mr.trump