The Danish are invading Columbus Avenue, a bank leased a prime corner spot, and a longtime electronics store has closed.
Flying Tiger has now put up signs on the windows of its soon-to-open store at 424 Columbus Avenue (80th-81st street), the former home of Bellmarc real estate offices. The sign says “Halløj Upper West Side!” It explains a little about the Danish store and what it sells: “You’ll find things you need, things you’ve dreamed of and things you never knew existed. Things for your home, your parties, your kids and more, all at surprisingly affordable prices.” Opening August 2016. Thanks to Jeanne for the photos.
Golden Sound, the small electronics store at 2206 Broadway (78th-79th), closed on Wednesday. A customer, Peggy Thomson, told us they had been around 40 years. “Another independent UWS institution driven out by a sudden, exponential increase in rent. Operated by the nicest folk who know everything there is to know about watch batteries, small electronic repair, and much, much more. Honest service offered with a smile. The reliable, go-to place for small electronics on the UWS.” An employee at the store confirmed the closing but said he didn’t have time to discuss the reasons. Thanks to Gavan for the photo.
The long-vacant corner space at 2551 Broadway (96th street) that once housed Rite Aid will become a…bank! Yes, the Chase that’s now mostly on the second floor of the building is leasing the rest of the building, a worker told our tipster Paul. Last we checked, the asking rent was $127,083 a month, or $250 per square foot. Thanks to Paul for the photo.
ARRGH! So bummed about Golden Sound closing. You could get passport photos in 15 minutes, they always had “that” battery that you could never find elsewhere and they always had a smile.
I was in there just last month for a watch battery replacement and jokingly said “Don’t ever leave … we need you up here.” If only I had known. Sigh
I still have a $25 credit at Golden Sound so bummed. I knew he was likely going to close but just couldn’t get there in time. His business of repairs and batteries was not going to sustain him much longer. And his prices were almost 2x higher than Amazon. I hope he’s spending my $25 well. 🙁
AARGH! So bummed about Golden Sound closing. You could get passport photos in 15 minutes, they always had “that” battery you could never find elsewhere and they always had a smile.
I was just in there just a few weeks ago for a watch battery replacement and jokingly said “Don’t ever leave…we need you up here.” If only I had known. Sigh
You can get passport photos at the P.O. You’ll never need redos.
“Another independent UWS institution driven out by a sudden, exponential increase in rent. Operated by the nicest folk who know everything there is to know about watch batteries, small electronic repair, and much, much more. Honest service offered with a smile. The reliable, go-to place for small electronics on the UWS.”
I guess the replacement will offer much, much more???????????????????????????????????????
flying tiger…fun store and so cool they are coming to the UWS but is one of those places that things are so inexpensive that by the time your done looking/shopping you might end up with a lot more than you actually need.
Flying Tiger is a great addition to the neighborhood! Kind of like Ikea for little stuff.
Does Chase really need that whole building?
No, they practice reverse business you see, they rent space for hundreds of thousands of dollars and don’t need it at all, that’s why they are a multi-billion dollar company.
So sorry to see them close. We have purchased radios, telephone, watch batteries and watch bands there. It is so important to shop locally.
I do my best to shop locally, but found that this business made it difficult, at least in my experience. A few months ago I needed a passport photo. I’d seen the sign in their window, and decided I’d go there. I made multiple attempts to visit at times when I’d expect a retail business to be open (ie: 11:00 on a Tuesday morning, a Saturday afternoon…) and found the gate drawn. I eventually gave up and went to CVS down the block, because they were actually open.
Let’s protest….
We want a Salsa / Disco dance place instead of a bank
You failed to mention the late night/early morning hooting and hollering, the fake parking tickets, the roaring, speeding cars, and the occasional gun shots…
Did you actually go?
I would have, but then everyone would have accused me of being overly dramatic and reactionary. But you lost me on the fake parking tickets – what were they?
I would have, but then everyone would have accused me of being overly dramatic and reactionary! But what were the fake parking tickets all about?
Hah – I remember being lulled to sleep by the sweet “BOOM-BA-BOOM” lullabies of the Latin Quarter, as well as the fights that broke out almost every night on the street. I don’t miss those days, but boy am I bummed about the bank. And I bank there!
Different strokes for different folks. I prefer the spectacularly glamorous women to another [expanded] bank, myself. But that’s just me.
Would you say that in front of your wife?
Zelda, are you kidding? That I prefer her glamour to a Chase Bank Branch?
I would never give such a backhanded complement.
Actually a dance studio in that Chase bank would be a wonderful addition to the neighborhood. It could house after school arts programs for neighborhood kids, ballroom lessons, yoga for teens and seniors, the list goes on and on. If I had the $, I’d open it myself but $250 a square foot–really?
The Latin Quarter was hopping at 2551 Broadway at 96th Street.
Couples and singles lined up along Broadway and the women were glamorous. Not anymore.
Used to be a Latin Dance Club.
Been there, done that. Club Broadway closed about 15 yrs ago.
bzzzzz. Try again.
“$127,083 a month, or $250 per square foot”.
Just thought that bared repeating. As Frank Barone would have said, ‘Holy Crap’!
Doesn’t the new law that limits the frontage of banks to 25 feet apply here. We don’t need another dead zone street!
There are strict zoning restrictions limiting banks to 25′ on Broadway up through 110th street. Who do we contact to have them look into this bank? We don’t need any more banks…
Broadway may be exempt in the final Enhanced Commercial zoning.
Yes we do. People on the UWS have a lot of money. I bet they are expanding the space to accommodate a Chase Private Client department.
“People on the UWS have a lot of money.”
Well, except the people who try to operate businesses here, anyway. Bet the owner of Golden Sound doesn’t need a Chase Private Client department.
To say nothing of those dwindling few of us who have lived here since you didn’t need to be a banker yourself to be able to afford it.
Welcome to the Upper Wealth Side!
Not real Upper West Side WEALTH. The Chase Private Banking racket is run in EVERY branch. Makes people believe they are wealthy.
spoke to one of the workers in chase…the reason they took the whole bldg,they needed a bigger foreclosure dept
It’s a shame about Golden Sound… but shame on us, too. While we bemoan all of these “disappearing UWS small businesses,” how many of us — including myself– actually bought anything of significance there — other than watch batteries –in the last few years, as opposed to clicking on Amazon and getting it for $5 less?
Did you actually go, or is this from memory?
Flying Tiger is amazing!! Really creative neat items at very good prices. I’m excited they’re coming to the ‘hood!
Walking along that block on 96th Street is so disgusting. From the feces often laying in the entrance of 2551 Broadway (formerly Rite-Aid), the grungy plastic containers that were meant to hold different publications but are often full of garbage, and just the whole feel and look of that block makes me want to power wash my entire body and burn my shoes. I would hope that Chase would have an incentive to clean that up a bit but they already exist on the upper level and have not done so thus far so who knows.
When Chase expands into the street level, they will be resonsible for the sidewalk out front.