Police are investigating a possible hate crime outside the West Side Judaica store on Broadway and 89th street. JP Updates reports that manager Salmon Salczer was assaulted on Monday after approaching a man who he saw pacing outside and peering into the store, according to NYPD.
He walked out from the store to see if there was anything suspicious, and as he exited the store, the suspect approached Mr. Salczer and repeatedly punched him in the face while yelling, ” F— You Jews. I’ll Kill You; I’m a Muslim.” The suspect then fled from the scene on a razor scooter, police said.
Mr. Salczer called the police and filed a report, detectives from the Hate Crimes Task Force are now investigating the incident as a hate crime, and are looking for a dark-skinned male believed to be about 20 years old and
was wearing a red jacket and blue jeansat the time of the assault.
Update: The initial description of the attacker switched the color of shirt and pants: he was wearing red pants and a blue sweatshirt, not the other way around, according to NYPD.
Assembly member Linda Rosenthal released a statement about the incident:
“The Upper West Side has a long and proud tradition of embodying progressive values and welcoming newcomers to the community, regardless of race, creed or religion. Today’s attack on the owner of West Side Judaica, a Jewish bookstore in my district, flies in the face of that identity and challenges what we know about ourselves. We must disavow hate-fueled rhetoric, regardless of the target, and renounce this act of violence. I appreciate the NYPD’s swift response to this incident and am confident that the suspect will be brought to justice.”
If you have information, call the NYPD’s Crimestoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS.
File photo of Judaica store.
This is just about the most disgusting occurrence I can imagine on the UWS. I hope the NYPD vigorously pursues this case, apprehend a suspect and, if warranted, seek indictment on the most severe charges possible.
We can not tolerate hate crimes against any group on the UWS.
Eek — I live less than a block away and heard nothing from the doorman when i went out this afternoon. How awful and in a neighborhood where I think that people are generally tolerant of differences – religious and otherwise.
Nice to see Rosenthal pays attention to something…
I hope the store owner had a camera facing the street. Even if he didn’t one of the other neighboring stores must have. Just look for the bigot in a scooter. There are far fewer adults on scooters than there are children.
this sounds like a hate crime if committed by someone who is sane, and like something else if committed by someone not sane.
it is difficult to stitch together a believable narrative in which a sane bigot cries out as a muslim, is violent, abrasive and then escapes on a scooter.
sanity will be the last thing found after this chase.
Wishy-washy “typically progressive” do nothing comment by Rosenthal. We don’t need more “blah-blah” we need the police to catch this savage and make an example out of him, put him away for a long time. And, THAT’S HOW you DON’T tolerate this kind of behavior, ever!
The comment by the perpetrator sounds a little off. “I’m a Muslim??” Do people committing hate crimes often declare these things? I would imagine that there are good odds that the assailant is not, in fact, a Muslim.
By screaming Allah Akbar, they announce to the world that they are indeed Muslims.
So there ANPC
Ha! “So there?” Love it.
Yes, as a matter of fact they do. Muslim fanatics often tell their victims in no uncertain terms who they are.
I agree with Geoff and ANPC that the perpetrator is probably not a Muslim. If the owner of West Side Judaica is quoting the younger man correctly, something sounds off. Let’s stay rational, folks, even if the perpetrator is not.
I find it offensive that Rosenthal speaks of the UWS’s “progressive values”.
These “progressive values” are what caused NYC, and the UWS specifically, to go down the toilet not to long ago.
It was conservative values that made brought NYC back from the dead and made it a desirable place to live again.
Having said all this, there’s something odd about this crime. I can’t believe someone would commit a crime and declare that he’s a Muslim – especially with all the anti-Muslim hysteria out there these days.
Of course you are “offended”. You live on the UWS.
“It was conservative values that made brought NYC back from the dead”
right “conservative values” like:
With representatives like (that great conservative) Donald Trump
fuggin troll
You’ve got to be kidding! ISIS always declares their responsibility for horrendous
Crimes–why wouldn’t this guy say he’s a Muslim? It is what it is—so sad for the Book Store manager.I only hope they find this guy and send him to his caliphate in the sky.
exactly. Many times they call out Allah’s name or related phrase. If second languages were at issue here a lot of things could end up sounding “off.”
I totally agree and was thinking exactly the same thing regarding the “progressive values” line. Helen’s in denial that she serves (albeit not too well) more than aging 1960 hipsters and artists!
The quote’s from Linda Rosenthal, not Helen. Different people.
She also serves the young generation of that is proudly liberal and speaking out on all abuses from transphobia to the epidemic of police brutality. The same brutality you claim saved this city, brutality this generation will not tolerate. I’m sorry you think there is a place for conservative values on the Upper West Side, I apologize for whoever misled you. RIP Eric Garner.
Eric Garner was a criminal and thug with six children being supported by taxpayers. He refused to heed police orders to put his hands down and if he wasn’t morbidly obese he would still be alive.
It’s a tragedy whenever anyone dirs but this man was neither a hero nor a martyr and his death can’t be attributed to police brutality.
For the perpetually offended, trolling means posting something with which one disagrees.
Not sure why you consider my comments trolling. They are not meant to be provoking, simply a statement of my opinion regarding video that everyone has seen. Please clarify what exactly you think is trollish or meant to be agitating in my comments.
While the initial comment around eric garner came a little out of nowhere, this response fails to be unique or otherwise interesting. Troll has posted same talking points used by other trolls for the last year. Lacks ingenuity or creativity.
Troll Score: C-
Eric Garner’s status as a parent or recipient of state aid has nothing to do with his death. I am unsure if you really believe obese people deserve to die because they are obese. While it is factually correct to say Eric Garner was not murdered at the hands of police, (since the prosecutor declined to file charges) the choke hold to which he was subjected was a rear naked choke and is well known as a killing technique. The officer did not apply this hold initially but later in the incident did “close” the choke in an illegal maneuver.
Police are bound by the proportional use of force continuum. If you passively resist a police officer it would be illegal for the officer to escalate to deadly force. In such a case the officer should use verbal commands or pain compliance techniques. Given that Eric Garner was passively resisting albeit physically, the officer inappropriately escalated the use of force, resulting in Garner’s death. It is a miscarriage of justice that the officer was not charged.
I still say to this day that Rosenthal being elected was a fluke…..people thought it was the other Rosenthal
So sad to read of this attack and hope that the Manager is OK and he and all will enjoy a joyous Chanukah. W Side Judaica was always so helpful when I looked for gifts, Siddurim, it is saddening. And worse, that the level of hate, conflict seems to have increased in recent days.
This is not the first incident of anti-semitic hate recently. The Jewish center on 86th Street was evacuated a week ago due to a phoned in bomb threat. Something is stirring I fear.
The gentlemen who work in that story are very nice, hard working members of our community. I hope justice for the victim will be swift & the punishment for the perp, severe.
There is a segment of the African-American community that are anti-semitic, some rabidly so, with those that “act out” claiming to be Muslim. Because of the PC climate, this is mostly ignored not just by the media, but by the police department itself. I implore the NYPD to pursue this piece of filth so he can be taken off our streets.
There is also a segment of the Jewish community that are anti everyone else.
There sure is. many many jewish people who have ZERO tolerance for any one else other than themselves. Which is very sad and ugly
It is you UWSHEBREW who is bigoted and closed minded. Everything that H says is 100% accurate. I am a non jew and grew up in areas of brooklyn which is heavily populated by religious jews and there was so much hate and bigotry towards everyne who weren’t their own. And dont get me started on what they are doing to the Palestinians ..APARTHEID. And I am very much involved in BDS and it is already crippling segments of the Israeli economy.
Normally I do not engage with BDS lunatics like you Jayne, but I’ll do it now just once. First, this shows how little you know, you stated “I am a non jew and grew up in areas of brooklyn which is heavily populated by religious jews and there was so much hate and bigotry towards everyne who weren’t their own. And dont get me started on what they are doing to the Palestinians ..APARTHEID”. The religious Jews in Brooklyn do not recognize the State of Israel. That’s right. According to their beliefs, there should be no State of Israel until the Messiah returns. So when you say “don’t get me started when they are doing to the Palestinians”, you are wrong on two counts: 1) How do Jews in Brooklyn oppress Palestinians? 2) The religious Jews in Brooklyn do not recognize the secular country called the State of Israel. Next — your claim of “BDS crippling the Israeli economy”. You wish. Sure, some products have been boycotted, but the vast majority of countries do not support banning Israeli products. It’s hateful nonsense. So, Israel loses 10 or 25 million in sales — in the big picture of the GDP of Israel, with it’s booming tech center, it means very, very little. All you BDS nutjobs are loud and obnoxious and hateful, but you’re in a tiny, tiny minority of people who see this as a “legitimate outlet” to hurl hatred towards Jews worldwide and Israel. You won’t boycott any of the African or Middle Eastern countries that commit horrific crimes including cutting off the clitorises of little girls. But ISRAEL? JEWS? You’re all in! What is really shameful Jayne, as you’re a New Yorker, it was the PALESTINIANS IN GAZA AND RAMALLAH who were dancing in the streets and handing out candy to celebrate THOUSANDS OF NEW YORKERS WHO WERE BEING MURDERED IN THE TWIN TOWERS ON 9/11. When video of these celebrations were broadcast to news outlets worldwide, Arafat panicked and told his PLO forces to stop the celebrations because it was being played in Western media (not because it was wrong). So, Jayne, a fellow New Yorker, a Brooklynite, you side with people, Palestinians, who DANCED AND SMILED AND GAVE THE PEACE SIGN when the Twin Towers came crashing down (the video is on youtube!). Your BDS work means nothing, amounts to nothing, and you, you are nothing. Goodbye Jayne.
Uh, you want to expand on that “H”? What Jews are you talking about that are “anti-everyone else”? There are the Hassidim in Williamsburg who are INSULAR, but are not “anti” anyone. When have you heard of any Jewish person in the USA physically or verbally attacking anyone else for their religion or race? I can’t think of one. Here is a short list limited to NYC: 1) Freddys Fashion Mart 2) Crown Heights. Thanks Sharpton. Thanks Farrakhan. How many of that community have attacked Jewish persons in NYC? Countless. How many Jewish persons have attacked anyone? Hello? Bueler? ENOUGH WITH THE PC GARBAGE.
Should I start with the Jewish involvement in the slave trade? Apartheid and imprisonment in Palestine? How about something closer to home like how the orthodox harass black people in Bed Stuy on a daily basis. But we won’t hear much about the hatred and crimes Jews commit against others only those that are committed against them. Hmmmmm! I wonder why! My point is all races and religions have, will, and are capable of hatred. Don’t pretend Jewish people are not as well.
Your agenda “H” is now so clear. You reference the mythical “Jewish slave trade” and the NON “apartheid in Palestine”. You are a a close-minded, hateful bigot. Anti-Semite. You are rabid, illogical and dangerous. Go back to making BDS flyers.
Might want to check your racism at the door there, pal.
I am NOT racist. As a 30-something year old Jewish guy, I have, only twice in my life, encountered “in your face anti-semitisim”. Both times were from African-Americans, both times groups of them, both times when I was walking to Synagogue wearing a skullcap (I usually do not, and I get mistaken for Irish or other types of gentiles all the time because I’m over 6 feet, small-nose/blue eyed, etc.). Both times, (years apart), it was African-Americans screaming “Heil Hitler!” at me. Never, ever, EVER had any other “in your face” anti-semitism hurled at me. So this is not RACIST but MY LIFE EXPERIENCE.
No surprise there. They dont dare to attack anyone unless they are in groups. Cowards!
Scott facts are not racist. Some statements doesn’t fit into your perfectly PC world, but that does not make it a racist comment.
Many blacks don’t like Jews just like many Jews don’t like blacks. These are facts, nothing else.
I believe arresting the man who threw the punch is an over-reaction. What this man really needs is an intervention to help educate him on how tolerant and progressive we UWS residents are. Once he sees that, i am sure he will apologize (all we really need to “punish” him) and become a productive and inclusive member of our community. If he is unfortunately unemployed, maybe the store itself can offer him a job so he feels more rooted in the UWS,especially his Jewish neighbors. Let’s change hearts and minds, not make it worse by using force (legally or physically).
Uws dad:
You are kidding right??? Could you be more foolishly naive…weak and uninformed. What decade are you living in???
Check your history….sorry sir…the dream world you want does not exist..this criminal should be in jail. Case closed.
You are kidding…I hope!
Otherwise, you should start writing comedy.
You know…a la The Producers.
I am still laughing.
Gold star for you, Zeus. It is a dry and wry sense of humor. If you have an introductions into the comedy business, let me know. Could use a change of pace.
Reply for UWSHebrew- so you have 2 situations occur to you in your life and point out a segment of the black community is rabid but when someone points out you are a racist you basically state (paraphrasing) you don’t look “Jewish”, thus confirming you live in stereotypes and when I point out situations that Jewish people have been and are involved in you call me an antisemite. You are a sad subhuman.
I state facts about incidents that occur in the USA, in the last 25 years, and you, “H”, reply with typical talking points that are canards of the ultra-left, marxist, new-black panther party/Nation of Islam. You have been pumped so full of hate for one group or another. I don’t hate anyone. I just pointed out actual facts. Things that happened. In this country. Recently. And you reply with the fanatical “Apartheid Palestine”. What does that falsehood have to do with a black man screaming he is Muslim and punching out a Jewish store owner on the Upper West Side of Manhattan? I only mentioned the way I look because, as I have seen, some Jewish-Americans who appear “stereotypically Jewish” a la Woody Allen, have been physically attacked by Anti-Semites. I, have only been verbally attacked when I wore a skullcap. I repeat, I do not hate anyone, however I am an guard for those of any race or religion who attack others because of their race or religion. Today. 2015. In the USA. I will no longer engage with you, as you have referred to me as “sub-human”, which reminds me of the language of an infamous group who rose to power some 70 years ago.
Calm down deebag! Just because you don’t believe that Israel is oppressing a whole country of people doesn’t make it less true. My point is no one group of people are above committing heinous acts against others but you seem to believe Jews are above reproach and throw the antisemite word around because someone disagrees with you. What’s the Yiddish word for high horse? Well get off yours.
Ah, the internet tough-guy syndrome.
Let me guess, you have no effect in your personal relationships and people don’t take you seriously.
But here, you’re Mr. Tough Guy!
Tragic but not uncommon…
Not sure why you interpret that reply as me trying to be a tough guy. Try some free aptitude tests online. That may help you. Again, merely pointing out the hypocrisy that seems to run amok. Now I will point out the flaws in any race or religion (even my own (Irish & Catholic) but for some reason any statement that shows Jews in a negative light is automatically met with the Anti-Semite card. And since the other guy mentioned the BDS movement- that is actually the peaceful way of trying to change situations in the world. A method that Jewish people use all the time and very well. Or would you rather have the violent protests instead?
H, your posts might be more effective if you take a deep breath, compose yourself, and write your thoughts without so much hysteria. It’s difficult to understand your actual point as it’s a bit buried under the overwrought language.
Point taken.
For what it is worth I am not Jewish, although I have family members that are. This is a sad story indeed. I will personally pay a visit to the store to voice my support and condolences to the owners and let them know that there are people who care about them. I would encourage others to do the same. My mother was trained to shoot Nazis at the age of eight.We all know where such intolerance leads. Such hatred toward anyone is never acceptable.We have to stay strong. No one should feel intimidated and threatened. That it happened in this area is bad enough. The store has things of amazing beauty. I have many times looked in through the window in admiration. Now I feel compelled to visit.
I hope this matter is dealt with quickly by the authorities. I for one will never forget. Nor will or should we ever tolerate this kind of behavior. I am not so naive to think that incidents like this do not happen all the time, but people need to be reassured that it is an aberration and that the community as a whole will never accept this kind of behavior. So pass on a good deed and stay vigilant.
I am Jewish and all of you annoy the hell out of me, which is good for the sinuses.