In the age of Grinder and Tinder, of instant gratification for all our most intimate needs, one man is seeking to find his mate the old-fashioned way: by registered mail. On West End Avenue in the mid-80’s, one E. Harris is looking for love in all the right places. You’ll need 49 cents, and a love of the decorative arts, to contact him.
Good luck to you, Mr. Harris. We support love, however it is delivered.
Thanks to Wendy and “Bob Eubanks” for the tips and photos. Other people, by the way, have posted romantic notes in the neighborhood before.
Please follow up and find out if he’s successful? This may be the new way to go!
Please follow up and find out how many prank letters he gets.
He might be more successful if he uses an e-mail address – it’s not that hard to get a free gmail or yahoo account to use for this.
I tear them all down, except for lost people, animals, property. This is not the Lower East Side. Those posters are becoming a blight on this community. Nannies, PC experts, apartment sales, and the list goes on…
Gee, Wally. Thanks for taking that task upon yourself when no one asked you to do so.
I have not noticed such fliers being a particular blot on the community. Garbage and dog poop in the streets is a much bigger problem. You might consider tackling that first, if you’re looking for something to do.
Nobody asked me, indeed. But many have said: ‘Thank you’, and ‘I didn’t know you could do that’.
Your suggestion that you think it’s better that I pick up garbage and dog poop is so far off the mark that I won’t even address it. Much less that I ‘look for something to do’ (???).
Interesting that being Jewish is not a listed requirement here
A new year and a new start at love so why not look for that special someone before valentines day gets here.