There’s nothing wrong with a lazy Sunday, but it’s also good to get outside every once in a while. There are plenty of events this Sunday to entice even the most dedicated couch-sitter. Some of them we’ve just recently posted on our calendar, including…
1. Street Fair: A street fair will run from 86th to 96th street on Broadway starting around 11 a.m.
2. Skate Jam: The newly renovated skate park on 108th street in Riverside Park is hosting an event on Sunday that will celebrate all the work that’s gone into the park this year to honor local skate legend Andy Kessler. Registration starts at 12 p.m.
12:00pm – 3:00pm Sign-up & Registration*
12:30pm – 1:15pm Juniors Jam
1:15pm – 2:00pm Girls Jam
2:00pm – 2:45pm Wall Ride
2:45pm – 3:30pm Masters Vert Jam
3:30pm – 4:15pm Vert Jam under 40
Prizes will be awarded after each event for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners. *Free to enter. Helmet, knee and elbow pads required to skate. Under 18, signed waiver by parent/guardian. Free raffles and product toss all day long!
There will be onsite food vendors and a DJ. More here and here.
3. Bicycle helmet giveaway: Gale Brewer and the NYPD are giving away bicycle helmets away while supplies last. The giveaway is at 563 Columbus Avenue between West 87th and West 88th streets starting at 11 a.m. “In conjunction with the helmet giveaway, members of the NYPD will be on hand to register bicycles and answer questions regarding bicycle safety and crime prevention.”
For more events, click here.
Photo via Community Board 7.