The JCC on 76th street and Amsterdam Avenue will host a free screening on Wednesday of “Dear Governor Cuomo,” a movie about the fight against fracking in New York state. It’s centered around a concert/protest in Albany.
After the screening, there will be a discussion with writer and director Jon Bowermaster. The film starts at 7 and you can preregister here.
Here’s the description from the movie website, and below that is a trailer.
“With the news that Governor Andrew Cuomo might lift the four-year moratorium against hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in New York state any day a concert/protest was organized on his doorstep in the state capitol of Albany. The event brought together scientists, musicians, activists and actors in a scripted night onstage inviting the governor to join the anti-fracking majority in his home state.
The film that resulted – written and directed by Jon Bowermaster, with musical direction by Natalie Merchant, “starring” Mark Ruffalo, Melissa Leo, Joan Osborne, Citizen Cope, Medeski Martin and Wood and many more – is a cross between “The Last Waltz” and “An Inconvenient Truth,” equal parts message and music.”
The FrackNation documentary was funded by donations and it balances out claims made in purely activist presentations. A 14 minute preview is here: