Photo by Kara Rota of a chocolate croissant at Birdbath Bakery.
January 9, 2013 Weather: Partly Cloudy, High of 48 Degrees.
A reading about Haiti, a free Juilliard concert, and bar trivia on our calendar.
“Community Free Democrats mourns the loss of our own LeAnn Leutner, Democratic District Leader, who passed away unexpectedly last week.” Information about the memorial service here.
Big win for bike lane advocates: On Tuesday night, the community board’s transportation committee recommended approval of a proposal to expand the protected bike lanes on Columbus Avenue, meaning the lanes could run from 59th to 110th street, with protected lanes starting on 69th. The vote passed 7-2 after it was deadlocked at the last meeting. It now moves on to the full board next month. Thanks to Mel Wymore for giving us the details. Read our story about how business owners feel about the lanes here.
“Jazz on Amsterdam Avenue, a hostel on the Upper West Side, has sold for $10.3 million to 201 West 87th Street LLC, city records show. The 5-story, 19,200-square-foot building, located at 560 Amsterdam Avenue at West 87th Street, was built in 1920 and last altered in 1983.” Will it remain a hostel for long? There are 10 million reasons that isn’t likely… (The Real Deal)
Re the bike lanes…the Lincoln Center triangle is bad, bad now, bad now. What it really needs is a full time traffic officer directing the backed up overflow from Columbus, which regularly gridlocks the eastbound (65th) and southbound Broadway intersection. I honestly don’t know how bikes are going to get through this safely.
i support bike lanes. however in my neighbourhood, the old Pioneer store utilizes curbside loading every day, every morning, and during those times two, three maybe four trucks are parked and workers are hauling stuff into the basement storage area. this has been going on since at least 1975. it is where a swamper was killed a few weeks ago after falling from the truck’s side.
when a bike lane is added on their side of the street, traffic space will be radically altered but what will the workers do? i can’t even imagine.
i can imagine if a bike lane was added to the curb in front of Citerella and Fairway. it would be chaotic.
geoff, part of the plan includes dedicated loading zones up and down the avenue so that businesses like pioneer are not inconvenienced.
This is what happens when you have a loony like Janet Sadik Khan running the DOT.
How in the world can someone who does not own a car and rides a bike to work every day get appointed head of the DOT by Mayor Bloombucks.
Oops!! How could I forget Kathy Black and Michael Rhea anyone??