Shortly after Jeremy Lin started tearing up the NBA, people began to dream up ways to make money off of his stardom. The most obvious solution was to sell t-shirts with his face or the word “Linsanity” on them. After an initial shortage of merchandise, the market now seems to be saturated.
But some Upper West Side businesses are finding other ways to pay homage to the Knicks phenom. At Knitty City on 79th Street a staff member decorated a window (above) with a collage about Lin around Valentine’s Day and the store left it up for a few weeks. It definitely sparked conversations with customers, but the staff recently took the decoration down, an employee told me. Thanks to reader Gavan for the photo.
At City Pie on 72nd Street, the newest special pie is the “Linsanity Pizza.”
But what does chicken and peppers have to do with Jeremy Lin?
Apparently not much. “We were already planning to offer chicken and peppers as a special,” an employee told me, but as Lin’s legend grew the store decided to put his name on it.
Have you seen any other tributes or marketing gimmicks devoted to Jeremy Lin? Send a picture to info at westsiderag dot com.