Photo by Loozrboy via flickr.
February 23, 2012 Weather: Mostly Sunny, High of 56 Degrees.
On Saturday, Tangled Vine wine bar is holding a fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Upper West Side mother Karen Dahl, a self-proclaimed “angry mother”, was selected as a winner of Reader’s Digest’s Best Life Stories contest.
The owner of Cafe Tallulah, a wine bar planned for the corner of 71st Street and Columbus Avenue,want sto tear down a mural depicting two cows and a man at the bar’s entrance. But preservationists say that the mural should stay because it’s historic, a reminder of when the space was occupied by Victor’s Cafe. “Please don’t make me open a sophisticated French cafe with two cows outside my door.,” said owner Greg Hunt. (DNAinfo)
A new nursing home for Jewish Home Lifecare planned for West 97th Street has drawn community opposition because of potential traffic, safety and congestion problems. But proponents say that the new building is necessary and accuses opponents of Nimbyism. (Jewish Week)
More on the Upper West Side landlord whose case to end rent control is being considered by the U.S. Supreme Court. (NY1)
The community board is considering installing speed bumps and narrowing the street on 109th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam, the site of PS 165. (Columbia Spectator)
Here’s hoping that the Supreme Court understands the concept that ownership of something is 99$ of the law and strikes down all NYC rent regulations as capricious, outdated, unnecessary and unconstitutional. Then we can move on to making Community Boards and protests over 40 year old murals just as illegal. Owners OWN buildings and should be able to do with them what they need to to make mone. PERIOD.