Photo by Joseph A via flickr.
November 2, 2011 Weather: Sunny, High of 56 Degrees.
Tonight there’s a meeting about hydrofracking hosted by Assembly member Linda Rosenthal, and actor Mark Ruffalo will be attending. Hydrofracking, which could start soon in New York state, is a process used to get natural gas out of the ground that involves pumping water, sand and chemicals into holes in the ground (a too-simple explanation of a complicated thing). Environmentalists say it will pollute the water we drink. It’s at 7 p.m. at B’nai Jeshurun at 257 West 88th Street.
On Monday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m., the JCC on 76th Street is hosting a panel on Medicare and prescription drugs. “Free for all, but you must register in advance because of limited space. Stop by ground floor desk or phone 646-505-5708 to register.”
Conan O’Brien is back where he belongs, on the Upper West Side! He’s taping his show for the next week at the Beacon Theater. Before he moved to LaLa land, he lived at the Majestic on 72nd Street and CPW and he was always out and about in the neighborhood with his kid, like a perfectly normal extremely tall person. He celebrated his return at Isabella’s.
Despite the huge damage in Central Park, the marathon finish line is up and ready for Sunday.
The NYPD detained a college student from Pittsburgh for 36 hours because she didn’t have an ID on her when she was found with a friend in Riverside Park around 1 a.m. She had left the ID in her hotel. While she was in her cell, cops made fun of her and told her to get a new boyfriend. The judge dismissed the ticket in less than a minute. Clearly, this is the kind of person we should be locking up for 2 nights. Go NYPD! Pepper-spraying, gun-smuggling, ticket fixing, harassing City Council members! (NY Times)
Upper West Sider Marion Hedges, who was hit by a shopping cart, could be in rehab for months, in the best-case scenario. (DNAinfo)
As we reported last night, a sliver building proposed for 75th Street was rejected by Community Board 7 when it asked for special permission to build a 14-story apartment tower. NY1 anchor Pat Kiernan spoke out against it.
The Medicare panel at the JCC is Monday, November 14th, not November 7th. You still have more than a week to register.