Were you waiting with bated breath for the protests that hit Wall Street to come to the Upper West Side? Well, wait no longer.
On Tuesday at 7 p.m., the Granny Peace Brigade is planning to stage a mini-occupation around the central fountain at Lincoln Center. The peace brigade is not the same as Occupy Wall Street, but it appears to be affiliated with that movement. “There will likely be several OWS supporters attending as well, though this is not an official OWS event,” the Occupy Wall Street press folks told us.
Lincoln Center doesn’t appear phased: “Lincoln Center, as always, is open for business,” a rep emailed us when we asked for her reaction to the impending protest.
Check out the details below from a press release we got. And don’t mess with these grannies!
Tuesday, October 18th at 7:00 P.M.
Six years ago, 18 women attempted to enlist in the U.S. Military at the Recruitment Center in Times Square. Not only were we not welcomed, we were arrested…and the Granny Peace Brigade was born. Since then, we Grannies have stood our ground in the struggle for peace and social and economic justice — and for our precious First Amendment right to freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.
We will be observing our anniversary on Tuesday, October 18th, at 7:00PM by the fountain at Lincoln Center (Broadway & West 66th Street).
In a silent vigil timed to coincide with showtime, we grannies will once again stand our ground…
against invasions, wars, occupations
against U.S. military bases abroad
against militarization of youth
against the human cost of war—domestic and international
against the economic cost of war.
We will stand our ground FOR freedom of speech; for the right to peaceably assemble as our First Amendment guarantees.
We invite you to join with us in this silent mini-occupation as we reflect on the issues that have galvanized us for the past six years.
We stand our ground.
Lincoln Center photo by rococell via flickr.
In Canada, their counterparts are named “The Raging Grannies.” And they do rage. Also sing funny political songs. Maybe your American bunch should get together with our Canadian Bunch. Does anyone know about Mexico? A North American continent jamboree perhaps? If the Boy Scouts can do it, why not the activist Grannies?
Over To You, NYC…