By Gus Saltonstall
A man was attacked and knocked unconscious Wednesday evening on the Upper West Side, a police spokesperson told West Side Rag.
A 45-year-old man was walking around 5:45 p.m. near Central Park West and 82nd Street, when a man struck him in the head, police said. The attack knocked the victim to the ground and left him with a cut across his head, police said.
NYPD could not confirm whether the attacker used his fist or an object to deliver the blow.
The 45-year-old man had no memory of what happened, and was taken to the hospital in stable condition, police added.
The attacker fled the scene, and it is unclear why he attacked the man, NYPD added.
There have been no arrests and the investigation remains ongoing.
We’ll update this story, when we learn more information.
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Help! The city has become so dangerous.
“it was worse in the 1870s”
This has been happening frequently in an area on the UES from 86th-92nd street and from Lexington-1st avenue. I hope the police compare reports of what’s happening on both sides of the park because it could very well be the same people involved. To add to the chaos there’s also a woman running up and down 86th stomping on feet with no provocation or warning.
Having lived in nyc for the last 35 years and as a mother of kids who are walking around the neighborhood by themselves, I am starting to mull the previously unthinkable: moving out of my beloved city. To where? I don’t know. But at the point at which the risks start to outweigh the benefits (which is different for everyone), it will be hard to rationalize staying. I really, really hope that our living situation improves before it gets to that point. Very sad.
We moved 100 miles north during COVID and never really came back. We still have the apartment but only use it when I have to go into the office – ugh. We never imaged leaving the city and now we can’t imagine living there full time. Up here its a real “North American Town”. Its quite, you can park in front of your house, there is no crime, no panhandling, no rats, no sirens, no crazy people screaming in the streets. Its very peaceful here. We have lakes, trees, meadows rivers … Try living outside of NYC. You won’t miss the restaurants , museums, shows and the like. All this peace and quite will make up for that.
i remember how Guilliani cleaned up the city so fast… will be intetesting to see what a new mayor will do..
Yes I remember too. Too bad the crime rate was higher when Giuliani was Mayor than it is now. The only difference is back then people actually went to jail.
St. Rudy got lucky with the publicity from 9/11. Having lived in the city for the past 45 years, I can tell you that he was not the paragon that many remember, before his MAGA days.
These remarks are so silly. Giuliani did not clean up the city “so fast” and the crime rate is much, much lower today than it was under his administration!
Giuliani is from the 90s—even Bloomberg is over a decade ago—it’s a different city now and ppl like that cannot get elected now—a new mayor will only be worse than Adams—if you don’t like the trend moving is the option to take—I like throwback Thursday cause it depicts NYC when it was still a recognizable North American city not an international mash up
Wow, I wish there was a thumbs-down option for comments like this. “Recognizable North American city”? What’s that supposed to mean? (Yeah, I can guess what you mean.) But NYC has ALWAYS been an “international mash up.” Good grief.
Totally correct. NYC is the outlier of American cities. There is no comparison, good or bad.
Wow I wish there was a thumbs down for ppl that misinterpret comments and don’t even remotely try to consider what the commenter meant—I miss the sense of place and authenticity NYC used to have before the international corporate wallpaper rolled over everything—There used to be mom & pop stores not empty storefronts—everyday on this website ppl lament seeing another bland bank or drugstore—there used to be a there there that is gone—and you can spare me the immigration lesson—good grief
New York has been a city of immigrants from the get-go, beginning with the Dutch. If by “a still recognizable North American city” you mean that it was primarily white and English-speaking during the Throwback days, you are remembering wrong. It has always been a juicy mix of color and ethnicity and language, which has made it a more interesting place to live than, say, Nebraska. Not that I have anything against Nebraska.
We need more cameras around the city like Europe to catch these people.
To become a surveillance state. No thanks. Clean up the streets and we don’t need to be watched.
So they can be brought to jail, uncuffed, and then released in the same day?
I find this highly disturbing I hope the man is ok. I live around that area and constantly walk around there. If I had to have a theory it’s these shelters that are housing the people who really need a hospital, medication , or drug rehab. Having lived in this neighborhood for over 30 years this occurrence has become quite alarming. Not to be safe in a busy time, still light, with people around, 1 block from the police 20th precinct station?!
More cameras, more patrolling, at least till it does not become an issue. This issue should be brought up at the next neighborhood safety meeting, or a new committee should be formed.
I for one would attend, sign petition do what I can to make the neighborhood safe once more.
I spoke to the doorman at the Beresford who told me a man was attacked by a bunch of kids after he told them not to ride their bikes on the sidewalk.
Vote in better candidates.
Right? The problem is we don’t have better candidates…
Don’t need better candidates, the NYPD can go back to basic foot patrols.
Not sure if you’re aware, but our mayor is a literal former NYPD officer who ran on reducing crime as his main issue. Hasn’t been going so great to say the least…
Is Mayor Adams really the problem or is it soft on crime types like D.A. Bragg and some of the people on the City Council? I always got the impression that Adams actually does want to be tough on crime.
Dani, you are spot on. The issue is not Adams, but unfortunately, to the uninformed, he deserves the blame. Adams is handcuffed by the progressive city council and liberal judges.
It was a group of teenagers on bikes. The man was hit so hard that his face smashed into the pavement, after which one or more of them continued to pummel him. At one point, while he was down, a bike was thrown on top of him. Then they took off.
I’m relieved to learn that he is in stable condition, as it appeared from all the blood and the vacant look in his eyes that he might not make it. The incident appeared to be unprovoked and was incredibly terrifying.
Please tell me you spoke to the Detectives?
And there are no witnesses at 5.45??
Guess what the odds are of them being charged with attempted murder – which common sense should tell everyone that this undoubtedly is…ZERO.
We’d be lucky if they spent the night in a holding cell.
Well Peter, first the NYPD has to catch them.
It would, indeed, be somewhat helpful! Marginally. Maybe.
Sorry, but I think you are spreading misinformation. New York’s bail reform law works by first separating criminal charges into qualifying and non-qualifying offenses. Most violent crimes, such as aggravated assault, are qualifying offenses. When a defendant is charged with such a crime, judges are allowed to set bail.
Why let facts get in the way of someone’s narrative? Much more fun to kvetch than to research.
Gale Brewer says none of this crime is really happening and it’s simply our perception. She needs to go as do all the rest of the liberal progressives who are destroying our wonderful city.
I guess I am a liberal progressive but want people arrested for assault – imagine that
Gail Brewer does not say that, and liberal progressive are not destroying our wonderful city! NYC crime rates are actually much lower than most other jurisdictions in the U.S., including many cities and states governed by Republican administrations.
If she cared, she would speak about this type of stuff. She only cares about “her” causes. Safety and security of her constituents is never mentioned. With several women being punched, a man held up threatened by a gun and now this, all recently in broad daylight. She should say SOMETHING, but not one word.
This is truly horrible. I am roughly that age and was walking with a friend my age very close to there at this time. This is a busy area near doorman buildings in broad daylight. There is never an OK time for something like this, but this is particularly bad.
I hope this criminal is caught and has a meaningful punishment.
WSR – please keep us posted on when they hopefully find them. Thank you.
Is anyone investigating how the crime statistics are being calculated? A lot fewer people are being convicted and sentenced, but that doesn’t mean the city is safer, it means a lot of criminals are getting away with crimes now who wouldn’t have before.
It sure doesn’t seem safer here (unless you’re a criminal, I guess).
This lame answer of Crime is down is to protect what is happening here! People are getting sucker punched in broad day light in an area which was once really safe! Stop with the over all crime figures! As a neighborhood begin to ask who is getting paid to house the sadly mentally ill — plus the crazy bikers with no consequences for not stopping at lights and BARRELING down the sidewalks.. Also, why does the City not have a plan? They have electric bikes legal to 2025 but no enforcement .. They legalized pot .. but unlike smoking, there are no rules. It’s not legal to smoke cigarettes in parks, in cafe areas, it’s not legal to walk down the street and drink alcohol.. How did they not have a plan! There are lots of people coming to the area buying pot and smoking it right here .. everywhere ! The bikers/ delivery guys smoke it while waiting for their pickups.. You can’t expect the neighborhood to be okay when you invite chaos .. with no plans ! This has nothing to do with over all crime rates.. This is the UWS problem .. And, these are the causes.. Let me add that i now see teenagers walking down the street smoking pot— getting High ? When they should be home or recreation activities that are healthy .. not recreational drugs during the day! or anytime .. Must all be about money .. there are no rules .. These are your answers to the UWS increasing sucker punches and unusual people buying pot in the area .. They are drawn here to get their pot.. which little kids get to breather in along with some of us who are even allergic and get nauseous from the strong smell .. It is still a recreational DRUG .. Why is it not regulated like cigarettes or alcohol????
Thanks to our city and state legislators, including our City Council, we are living in an era of impunity where there is little accountability for wanton criminal acts such as assault and larceny. These random acts of violence are sure to continue until the NYPD feels like their policing work matters.
Thank you, Sean.
I actually think Pot should be much more heavily regulated than cigarettes or alcohol. When people drink, they don’t passively force everyone around them to drink. Secondhand smoke from cigarettes is terrible for the lungs, but it generally doesn’t alter your brain like pot does, nor is it often laced with other brain-altering drugs (some of which are illegal).
Hey-I hope this guy is OK & recovering without lingering issues!
Shouldn’t this be the lead on most of the comments?
Given that this is in a highly trafficked area (entrance to the park as well as one block off the museum) at daylight it seems really unusual and perhaps related to some grievance? There are doormen and businesses on that block as well.
I agree that the number one thing that would help neighborhood safety is the return of cops walking the streets- heads up and engaging with the community.
Finally for those taking away from the focus of this event and griping about pot-FYI no one needs to come here to buy. It’s is amply available everywhere in the city and across the rivers. Without being able to offer pot bars (like alcohol) it’s a bit of a quandary as to where to smoke that won’t offend. I’m curious what one might suggest?
Anyhow – best to this victim and let’s all do what we can to help our neighbors.