By Carol Tannenhauser
An armed robbery occurred on Friday at 6:31 AM, inside the Lincoln Convenience store at 2047 Broadway, between 70th and 71st Streets, police told West Side Rag.
Three suspects entered the store and one displayed a handgun, while the other two “stole a bunch of CBD products, and $80 in cash.” They then fled the location.
This is the latest of several convenience-store or smoke-shop robberies reported by the Rag. Others are here.
Thanks to Yael for the tip.

The progressives want this to happen so small businesses go out of business and are replaced by restaurants with investor backing like Daily Provisions, Shake Shack etc.
Please stop the nonsense. You don’t know what anyone wants. No one wants crime. Please stop lowering the bar for intelligence in America. It’s already at rock bottom.
Clearly Robert Spire has no idea what progressives want. Those on the left are opposed to small businesses and want rich capitalists to take over? To say progressives favor big businesses over small ones is just not to get it.
That is total hogwash! You’ve got it backwards!
Watch out; they’ll be coming for your children next. I’m a moderate, but clearly you must be joking; if not, let’s see one iota of evidence that supports your ” business theory. ” I would have thought you’d blame the progessives for the convenience store proliferation and all the weed smoking.
Handgun displayed.
Next – Handgun used.
Come November 8, vote out all candidates who favor no bail reform.
We must get a handle of our city, other wise, it’s welcome to the jungle.
Not going to happen on UWS. People will keep complaining about crime but vote the same.
Smoke shops are really bad for the community. Not only they sell illegal products, they are selling to the underage.
They also attract criminals.
Another crime early this morning. Four teenage boys shot a man in foot.
Those advocating for such “legal businesses” stay in our neighborhood should think about consequences of having them and not just about their convenience to go and buy pot at all hours of the day.
Yes, let’s focus on running out the legal business owner rather than severely punishing those who commit crimes with illegal guns.
Did I say anything about not punishing the perpetrators? Are we allowed to criticize only one single thing?
You can certainly criticize legalization of a smoke store, but in this context all you are doing is distracting from the more immediate societal problem, which is violence and illegal guns. Save it for the smoke shop thread.
I support a shopkeeper’s right to use lethal force in defense of person and property.
You might do that but Alvin Bragg won’t. Look what happened in that bodega case; thank God for the security recordings, otherwise Mr. Alba would be in jail for a long time. The girlfriend of the perpetrator still isn’t charged.
The McDonald’s heinous murder – the person working for minimum wage was killed for cold fries. Mom who called and sicced her criminals son is not charged either.
It may be named Lincoln Convenience but it is most certainly not a convenience store — unless you really really need some CBD right away.
Near McDonald’s I note.
I’m confused – is this deBlasio’s fault, Adams’s fault, Bragg’s fault, or the fault of the perpetrator?
All of them combined – but it starts with the voters and the UWS deserves better.
Well said.
Why must this be a partisan issue? Why not a reasonable discussion of presumption of innocence, the right to a speedy trial and bail reform. Upper Westside liberals do not dictate NYC policy.
That entire block is a scourge and frightening and I never go near it. 20 years ago I often took my then 6-year-old daughter to McDonalds after camp. I am horrified by the changes in a neighborhood in which I used to feel happy and safe. And nobody is doing anything. At the 72nd St subway stations I see clusters of cops on their cell phones or just hanging out–and not one on the platforms. EVER. Why is no one accountable anymore??
It reminds me of when Ghouliani cleaned up 42nd street and all the porn shops just spread out over 8th and 9th Avenues.
We need a legal red light district. Once again, a good area goes to pot.
Legalize all that crap—segregate, regulate and stop the bs between “lefty” progressives and radical “conservatives.”
Don’t we all want to live in a safe city?
All the moralizing in the world and nothing ever changes. If there are liquor stores, there should be pot shops. Put them out there. Stop being hypocrites. Bring back 42nd Street.
And thank the police for doing their best, as flawed humans, to protect us all. They could do better, but so could we.
I’m not expecting anyone to agree, but whatever.
The situation with the cops hanging out in clusters is a violation of rule number in anti terrorism. They are sitting ducks. I have also noticed this in Penn Station, Times Square and Grand Central
I have a new idea.. How about having one or 2 cops actually walking a beat on that street near McDonald’s instead of all being clustered at the 72nd street subway looking at their phones.
Too radical.
I honestly blame the creation and excessive often sinister but usually banal use of the internet. It does not bring people together. It isolates. It removes the ability to focus on real actual life around us. I have seen it even destroy marriages due to internet addiction, internet porn, it is SO destructive in so many ways and NOBODY addresses this. People look at me like I’m crazy when I make comments. The dehumanizing is dangerous, stupi, reckless, and cruel.
Or better yet, have a cop outside the station, another walking the beat on that street, another few on the PLATFORM and not in clusters? And why are these civil servants even permitted to make personal calls/texts or play games on their CELL PHONES when they are WORKING?????!!!!!! Does anybody agree with me? Does anybody care?
They use their phones for communications. You are making all sorts of ridiculous assumptions. They get alerts, photos, command info, etc. You have NO idea what anyone is doing on a phone except your own. It’s easy to make unfounded accusations when you don’t use your own name and photo to post here, either. Start by working on your own communications before you worry about how the Police Department operates.
Have you seen the screen on their phones to know that they are texting or playing games?
It never even made the news, but I was in line at the smoke shop 1/2 block from there on the night of the big lottery tickets and a guy ahead of me punched the owner and tried to rob him before fleeing. Poor owner is the SWEETEST guy and was REALLY shaken up(in addition to bleeding)😢I saw him a couple days ago and he luckily seems fine now, but it was right there! Cops came, but the perp was long gone. Bring back cops doing their walking beats in the neighborhood. Another place on w 72nd was recently robbed of tip jar and didn’t report it because nothing would be done…
Bring back the local beat!!👍👍👍
I think they don’t always report bc they’re afraid of identifying the criminals.
What’s the chance of beat cops actually getting the timing right when someone commits a crime .. Impossible. Numbers of cameras need to be increased so at least there’s a record of the crime… Finding the perpetrator ? Maybe. Better than nothing! Better than cops on phones… the ‘organization’ laughing in our faces.