By Carol Tannenhauser
The Asian woman who was pushed to her death on Saturday morning in a Times Square subway station lived on the Upper West Side, the Rag has learned.
A resident of the building where the victim lived notified WSR that “two plainclothes detectives with badges had come to the building seeking information about the victim.” They questioned the victim’s next-door neighbor and left. Half an hour later, they called back to confirm that the deceased woman was her neighbor.
“She was as sweet as can be,” said the resident.
The victim was pushed into the path of a southbound R train, a police spokesperson told WSR, in what is being called an unprovoked attack. it is unclear whether this was a hate crime. “Upon arrival, officers observed a 40-year-old female, unconscious and unresponsive with trauma about the body laying on the tracks. EMS responded and pronounced the female deceased at the scene.”
Later, the NYPD reported, “pursuant to an ongoing investigation, 61-year-old Simon Martial was arrested for the crime. “Undomiciled, Martial was charged with murder 2.”
We will update when more is known.
What is it going to take to broaden the reach of Kendra’s Law to include people like Mr. Martial? As things stand right now, unless and until he kills someone as he allegedly did today, our new DA Alvin Bragg sees no reason to keep people like Mr. Martial off the streets.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing to see Gale Brewer make tackling the issue of public safety one of her top goals?
We used to institutionalize people in horrific conditions (search for “willowbrook state school”). Then we decided we couldn’t do that, nationwide. Federal standards were set freeing the mentally ill from these nightmare conditions. At the same time, we also decided that “taxes are too high” and cut them dramatically and lacked the funds for reasonable alternatives.
So we decided as a nation to free the mentally ill but that properly taking care of them was too expensive.
And they gravitate to the Cities where some shelter and care is possible, making a national problem and a national issue a local one.
And this will happen a couple of times a year, and everyone will feel afraid, while still crossing streets against the light, looking at their cell phones.
We have met the enemy, and he is us.
Paul, if I could vote for someone who was a Democrat and took quality of life issues seriously, I would. Where are they? I voted for Liz Crotty, not Alvin Bragg, for all the good that did. Republicans take these issues seriously, but after Trump I can’t vote for one. Quite a problem.
if you’re judging every Republican and conservative based on Donald Trump your own ignorance will be the city’s downfall. Many on the right didn’t like him either and local Republican leadership, especially in the northeast, is rather moderate. We have had republicans lead the city and state before. And Trump was a Democrat most of his life and much of his policies were not conservative at all. As a person and a leader, he was a disaster — but it’s also hard to argue the country and the economy wasn’t in better shape pre COVID and he is ultimately the president who ushered in the vaccines we are all thankful to have. Even so, I do not know one Republican who wants to see him on their ballot over the countless other options — and I know a LOT of republicans compared to the average New Yorker both in the city and back in my home state.
Why do all of the Republicans in Congress trip over themselves to support Trump endorsed policies? They are all begging for his endorsement, because his endorsement gets them votes.
Tens of millions of Americans believe the big lie about the election. And very, very few Republicans are willing to stand up to that. I commend those who do but they are unfortunately few and far between.
I would be willing to vote for a Republican for a very local office who very publicly dismissed Trump, McConnell and all of their craziness. America needs more old-fashioned moderate Republicans, but most have sold their soul to Trump.
Republicans don’t take this issue seriously. They work hard to make sure budgets for mental health treatment is cut. However people like the alleged perpetrator cannot be allowed to roam the streets as they are a clear and present danger to everyone. It’s time to strike a better balance.
Republicans take it seriously in that the majority of these people swarm to urban areas in blue states so not only do the Republicans not try to solve the problem, they opportunistically use these incidents to make blue states look bad. These incidents are the gift that keep on giving for them.
Republicans can’t answer this because they care about tax cuts and what’s needed to deal with the mentally ill homeless is
1. Recognition that it’s a national issue and
2. A lot of money.
Until we get these things, recognize that these things will happen from time to time because we’re not going to reopen Willowbrook.
De Blasio’s wife Chirlane McCray spearheaded a mental health initiative, ThriveNYC, which the taxpayers funded to the tune of ONE POINT TWO BILLION DOLLARS. Not only were there no tangible results, but there is no accounting for of this money, which simply seems to have disappeared into the ether, i.e., pockets of the politically connected.
Is $1.2 Billion not a lot of money? Where are the inquests? Is there no oversight? Crickets.
Did you see where I said this is a nationwide issue and the problem is that the federal government closed the county’s institutions but then decided that tax cuts were more important than paying for proper care of our mentally ill?
Over the forty years since the ill homeless have gravitated to the cities and the effort to call this a city or local problem must be resisted.
Paul, taxes are too high – top tax rate in NYC on a business is 60%. Why can’t existing funds be spent more efficiently? When DOE budget is $40K per year per student and yet a local principal tells me that only $9k per student reaches the school, perhaps the problem is not lack of funds but the inefficient spending?
I am not a lawyer, but can this be deemed a problem by New York State, rather than New York City? Maybe they will take it more seriously. And then rather than fighting over which precious piece of NYC real estate is used for this, it can be dealt with outside of the city, where land is plentiful and cheap.
Someone needs to make this their top priority and show some concern for the well-being of the average, law-abiding New Yorker – stop treating the offender as the victim.
Tish James? LOL. She’s been too busy going after her boss so she can take his job. And grandstanding. James and Bragg are peas in a pod.
What a tragedy. I feel horrible for this woman and her friends and family. This is everyone’s worst nightmare.
Kendra’s law. Those who cannot take care of themselves and are a potential threat to others should be taken off the streets. Their rights aren’t greater than ours. This evil man should be locked up for life. It won’t bring back this poor woman but maybe it will prevent something like this from happening to someone else.
Horrific, just horrific. The poor woman. How come they don’t mention the perpetrator’s race if they mention the victim’s? And isn’t every crime a hate crime? If she had been white or black it could also have been a hate crime.
Anyway, my heartfelt condolences to her family and loved ones for her precious young life to be cut short so horrendously.
The DOJ defines a hate crime as one that is “motivated by bias against race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identification or disability.”
CBS News reports that, just before this murder, Mr. Martial had apparently taunted another woman who got away from him when she feared that he was maneuvering to push her on the tracks. She was not Asian.
Agreed. And then when people claim that certain groups are arrested at higher rates, this might be proof as to why. This man is not being arrested due to his race or because he is being discriminated against. He is being arrested because he killed someone in cold blood.
And he didn’t do that because of his race, gender, or anything else. But for whatever reason he did it, he should be jailed, and those who fit the same mental health profile should receive treatment before they do something that will hurt others and lead them to be jailed as well.
Declare mental illness, and homelessness a public health emergency just like Covid.
Than round them up.
Doctor here, so speaking from experience…
We really are in a bind when it comes to the mentally ill homeless. Unless someone is actively expressing suicidal or homicidal ideation they can’t be forced into treatment. Numerous legal rulings at the NYS and US Supreme Court level have created a framework that makes it very difficult to impose treatment on even the sickest mentally ill.
Hopefully this sad case can allow us to expand the scope of Kendra’s Law.
I ask my loved-ones to take a number of precautions on the subway platform AND, when possible, to stay entirely off it (even outside the turnstile) until the train is about to come.
They don’t listen.
Rikers, the homeless, mental health, houainf and segregated schools. And New York City is the paradigm of progressive politics and social justice? Maybe not so much!
NYC was at its safest and most prosperous when we had two mayors who were proudly not progressives.
We then elected a progressive mayor who quickly reversed all this improvement.
I was in Florida last month. The big story down there is how real estate prices are skyrocketing because of all the people moving to Florida fleeing “progressive” cities and states.
The all time low in crime was 2019.
Murder and violence skyrocketed nationwide, in 2020.
And not a single major city in Florida has a lower murder rate than New York City.
Not. A. One.
Blah, blah, blah, blah…
Progressive cities… People fleeing…
Blah, blah, blah, blah…
Don’t you get bored writing this nonsense?
When I can buy a 3 bedroom apartment for less than $3 million I’ll believe that people are fleeing New York.
Until then – blah, blah, blah…
…look at census numbers and trends. Facts are facts — nyc real estate will remain at a premium regardless and MANY of those who own multimillion dollar apts here do not live here full time.
Progressives lack an understanding of human behavior.
Give free money, people will choose not to work. See labor shortage
Don’t punish, law breakers will commit crimes again. See smash and grabs.
Stop policing, criminals will feel emboldened. See increase in criminality
Labor shortage because of money giveaway. Stop embarrassing yourself with Fox News propaganda. A majority of those jobs are minimum wage part time positions that don’t pay for Rent, Food, Transportation, Clothes, Medical Insurance or the cost over runs of care. Add in internet, phone, electricity. All paid for by a $15 dollar an hour or lower job depending on where you live.
Why don’t you string together 2 or 3 part time jobs and then watch Tucker say you are getting stuff for free.
2 things.
I am always extra careful on the subway. Stay far away from the track until the train comes. Constantly looking around and if anyone looks unstable I move away from them.
Last month when I took the 2/3 uptown to get my booster shot, literally every car had a homeless person. I’m not kidding. I kept moving cars at every stop and could not find one without a stench. This in unacceptable.
My deepest condolences to that poor woman’s family and friends.
What a tragedy.
So sad for the woman’s family.
Instead of new jails in the boroughs, in crowded residential areas, Rikers (where there is space) should be rebuilt with good humane facilities and needed medical, mental health, therapeutic etc services. Also transitional programs.
If in agreement, message Mayor Adams.
This is unacceptable. This city cannot continue to let these mentally unstable people roam the subways. We need major change. This could have been anyone of us just trying to get to work, to see a friend or drop our children off at school and a life ends in an instant because some crazy person pushes us in front of a moving train. It’s so awful and sad it’s one of our neighbors that was the latest innocent victim. Let’s fight for the hard change to stop this from happening and make this a safer place to live and take the subway again!
NYC needs to do what other major cities have done and limit the amount of time a passenger can stay in the subway system. Their Metrocards can be checked for this timeframe. And if they don’t have Metrocards, they should be removed from the system. Also, I don’t understand why police aren’t removing anyone who stretches out on a subway seat to sleep. There shouldn’t be any debate about this.
You don’t need a metrocard to ride the subways anymore. You can tap a credit card or cellphone at the turnstyle to enter.
RIP, Michelle. Let’s talk and think more about her and less about this deranged lunatic who should have been institutionalized.
Other than what WSR reports today, what I glean from various newspaper articles is that Michelle was an especially warm, caring person, a member of the Junior League of New York City, and involved personally in getting people who needed help back on their feet, and in financial health. There is also mention that she was an advocate for the homeless.
She held an MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and was a Manager of Strategy and Operations at Deloitte.
New Yorkers elected officials who protect criminal rights and marginalize victim rights. What do they expect?
To bad. Looks like we have a new Police Commissioner who wants to battle crime, but her efforts will be unachievable with our new Manhattan DA. Our liberal progressives have infiltrated our government agencies. Expect many assistant DA’s to bolt elsewhere and beat cops to not bother making arrests of nuisance crimes. It’s like 1975 again in NYC. As I approach retirement age, I’m seriously thinking about my following others before me and moving to a safer city elsewhere 🙁
Once my family issues resolve themselves, I am outta here as fast as I can. All I need to do is look at cities like Detroit and Chicago to predict where NYC is going. Went through this already decades ago and not sticking around for Part 2.
Absolute tragic incident. The city needs to do more to fix the the underlying problem of homelessness in the subway system. Mental illness and homelessness cannot be continuously used as excuses for such attacks. I hope the new mayor has the guts to made some calls that will perhaps upset the so-called progressives but still sorely needed.
But hasn’t Mayor Adams already said that he agrees with what DA Braggs wants to do? I’m not really expecting the Mayor to do anything about this problem.
You know in London they have a barrier on the platform so you can’t fall on the tracks. When the train pulls in, the motorman lines up the doors on the train with the doors on the platform. Then both sets of doors open. This would also reduce trash falling on the tracks. The rats would have nothing to eat. It would also reduce noise.
Given the age and vastness of our subway system, barriers offer a defense against crimes that might not exist at all if we directed our energy toward helping the mentally ill.
Some Paris Metro lines now have them too.
Same thing in many Asian country subway systems. Question is, as old as the NYC subways system is…..will the city put the money in to do the same.?
Elections have consequences.
Next time anyone votes, please read about the person you are voting for.
Learn about their political views.
And only after you learn – vote.
DA Braggs, to his credit, was out in the open with his super progressive views.
Either the majority agreed with him, or did not know who they’re voting for.
Welcome to LA, SF, etc.
NYC is a part of these equations now.
Until the situation is remedied (sounds like never) STAY BACK from the tracks until the train is in. I always keep my back to the wall or a pillar. So you will miss a train! STAY BACK! STAY BACK! STAY BACK!
In addition to standing back, if someone gets behind you and starts pushing you toward the platform edge, the best thing to do is sit down. Get off your feet. You can see how hard it would be for a standing person to push a sitting or lying person over the edge in the few seconds he has before the train arrives
Why did millions of people protest against “insert your cause here,” for the past 3 years but no one is protesting against the increasing violence in this city? I’ve lost track of how many times its been pointed out in this forum that this is what we get because this is the way we voted. So that’s it? If the mayor, the DA, and the police can’t/won’t (allegedly) do anything then we should just sit around for another 4 years and hope for something better while innocent people continue to be robbed, assaulted, and killed? I’m so frustrated that my friends and coworkers and neighbors, who are just trying to get through their day, are constantly on guard and in fear of encountering violence.
My sincere condolences to Michelle Go’s family.
As a social worker and former City manager my suggestion to address some of the problems described is to treat a person or a family not having a stable and acceptable place to live as being in an emergency situation – because it is!- and place them in an hotel. Give them priority on the waiting list for vacant apartments in public housing and consider favorably for the recently raised housing vouchers any apartments or accommodations they might locate themselves. Open the HRA/Dept. of Social Services offices and assign caseworkers to help access whatever services people might need to get on their feet. I was such a caseworker 50 years ago, when the great majority of people who received welfare/cash assistance used it only temporarily, when they needed it.
Agreed for families especially with kids living in shelters.
But what about the homeless with mental and addiction problems that without medical treatment housing alone is not a solution. The ACLU will not allow governmental assistance for a rational solution
Gotta say – I haven’t seen a cop ON A TRAIN since pre-Covid.
One solution is to criminalize homelessness. Most of these people ended up on the streets and and are criminally sick because of one poor life decision after another. We need to stop pretending these people lack agency—they don’t. At some point this city will reach a breaking point, and New Yorkers need to decide soon what kind of future they want for our home—or no future at all. I emigrated here from a country that for years turned a blind eye to criminality. Eventually the failure by the government to enforce the laws transformed that country into a failed state. I am getting PTSD thinking about it and don’t have it in me to move, again, because voters and policy makers are blinded by impractical ideologies.
“Most of these people ended up on the streets and and are criminally sick because of one poor life decision after another.”
You are clueless and heartless. The vast majority of homeless people in NYC have a primary mental illness that is untreated. Treat the mental illness and most of these people wouldn’t be on the street.
Since it’s illegal to chase the homeless from the subway system why not dedicate cars for sleeping with lavatories.? Win-win for passengers and the homeless
No different than Amtrak Sleepers
Very Extremely Progressive !
Dear Very Extremely Progressive Alan:
I like your ideas. I have thought of the same too. I think the sleepers could create jobs. Maybe a few folks could use a part time job with reduced fair fare cards for the MTA fees for entrance. I remember reading somewhere New York has long been known as the big ‘city where anything or anyone is possible!’ If we the people want to uplift others then we will find a way…to meet folks wihere they are and uplift their dreams and circumstances