By Joy Bergmann
Gunfire erupted Monday evening around 7:04 p.m. near 104th Street and Columbus Avenue, leaving two teenagers wounded, an NYPD spokesperson tells WSR.
An unidentified male shooter hit a 16-year-old male in the arm and an 18-year-old male in the abdomen, NYPD said. Both victims were transported to Mount Sinai Morningside [St. Luke’s] Hospital in stable condition.
The incident happened at 865 Columbus Avenue and remains under investigation, NYPD said. No arrests have yet been made; a more detailed description of the suspect was not yet available.
Shootings have picked up dramatically on the UWS. It seems that they are reported almost daily. Too bad what’s going on around here.
Hey Adam, Do me — & yourself a favor: Mark down on a calendar each day there’s a reported UWS shooting. Do it for say 3 months. If it’s “every day” that should total about 90, right? I’d love to hear what the actual total is…
What’s really disturbing is this is hardly news any more
Defunding NYPD – the absence of Police – makes NYC streets wide open to crime. We need AI cameras on every corner to sense criminal actions and alert 911 when someone is knifed, runover, or shot.
I’m not in favor of defunding the police, but…..
can you explain to us exactly how having more police with more money would have prevented this shooting? Mostly, police respond to crime (and sometimes kill the suspect); they don’t prevent the crime from occurring.
Reply To KJ – Very simply more cops on the street, and in patrol, protects public safety. Goal of more Cops on the street is to prevent thugs from feeling that they can openly shoot and kill anyone, anywhere, with impunity – without repercussion. No bail no jail needs to be rescinded.
I happen to know – I live right around the corner from the police station – that about 6 squad cars raced up to the scene of the shooting within minutes.
Where did they come from? From the station house.
They could have been walking beats as you suggested, but they were just hanging around inside the station.
Cops haven’t been on the street for decades. Its not a funding problem!
Exactly this – I’m pro-police, but they don’t seem to patrol or help ppl on the street at all. They hang around on their phones.
It’s amazing how powerful defunding is. Just mentioning it miraculously causes crime! No need to even do it!
This event occured south of 103rd St in Douglass Houses where there are decades old problems with drugs and guns and crime. There are no police there and no oaccountability by NYCHA to clean up their mess and no politician or media will place the problem where it exists or address it?