Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza will host a town hall event on the Upper West Side on Wednesday, September 26 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at PS 163, at 163 West 97th Street.
Shortly after being appointed to his role, Carranza caused controversy when he weighed in on a plan to change middle school admissions by tweeting a headline that criticized local parents as racist. That admissions plan eventually passed in an amended form.
To submit a question for the event, CEC3 asks that people fill out the comment card here and bring it to the event or email it to
Nice that he is doing this on the high school curriculum night. Maybe plan it when parents can actually be there?
Carranza left a trail of failures during his tenures as superintendent in San Francisco and Houston. Nobody regards the school districts in these cities as successful and hardly anyone says Carranza did a good job in these cities.
Now he is intent on destroying NYC’s public schools. The handful of successful public schools in the city are successful because of involved and dedicated parents and diligent students. Instead of holding up these schools as models to emulate he condemns the communities as “racist” and calls for lowered standards.
This is a guy who basically flunked out of his engineering program in college and instead got a watered-down education major. He apparently still harbors rage and jealousy against students who work hard and excel and are successful.
It is a shame that DeBlasio hires this incompetent and opportunistic race baiter.
i would call this statement by Sherman to be “implicit bias” but it’s actually very explicit.
SHerman said:
“The handful of successful public schools in the city are successful because of involved and dedicated parents and diligent students.”
First of all, there are many hundreds and even thousands of good public schools in NYC. Sherman limits his focus to the few schools of the white upper-upper middle class.
Second, and more importantly, Sherman’s statement very clearly implies that students in the schools with lower scores — mostly poor and working class schools, many predominantly Black and Hispanic — do not have “involved and dedicated parents and diligent students.” A biased, and untrue, statement if i ever heard one. Is it a racist and classist statement? Of course it is, and it was probably meant to be.
Finally, Sherman leaves out the teachers and principal when he attributes success to a school. I know he thinks it is all the upper-class parents, but teachers have more than a little to do with it. He probably can’t bring himself to say that because these are unionized public employees, a category he hates.
It’s very interesting that Scooter Stan considers a post this racist and classist to be “courageous.”
It’s not worth the effort to even address the hyperbole and mischaracterizations in this comment.
There are many of us that support this chancellor. Far too many students in the NYC public school system are systematically excluded from a quality education. The time for change is now.
THANK YOU, “Sherman” for your courageous post!
Appreciate your every statement. However, be prepared for blow-back!
The parent body at 199 has long argued that the inclusion of economic diversity will ruin the school (they keep insisting they are not racist!))… therefore it follows that their strength is a facade built on segregating its student population and building its success on the extreme wealth of its parent body.
(ps we don’t care if you don’t consider yourself wealthy: if you live in a million dollar apt, make well into 6 figures,, etc… you are wealthy even if there are others who are wealthier that exist in this city).
Maybe earning in the six figures and having a million dollar apartment qualifies a family as “wealthy” in many cities in this country but on the UWS it qualifies as just getting by.
These families very likely can’t afford private schools for their kids. Once Carranza and his cronies destroy the handful of successful remaining public schools these families will likely flee for the suburbs.
it’s true that a family with an income just over 100K, which would be six-figure, might struggle on the UWS. However, it should be noted that these families make well over the median income for NYC, even for two earner parents. Let’s recall what REALLY struggling means. It’s not uncommon to find families of bank clerks and other fully employed people to be living in homeless shelters.
however, anyone above 150K and especially families at 200K and above should not be “struggling”, unless they are living way above their means, especially being over-mortgaged.
also let’s recall that the families living in “million dollar apartments” (actually, $2 million apartments, now) are living in government-subsidized housing. they are getting large subsidies from the mortgage interest deduction.
the families just over 100K would be smart to support Universal Rent Regulation, which would help their situation. And contrary to beliefs of some, it is not a subsidy from other tenants. It simply reshuffles the building’s profit and gives the landlord a lower share. landlords on the UWS are making super-profits, unless they are woefully over-mortgaged.
Carranza has proven himself a racist, classist, and thoroughly incapable of doing his job.
Forced integration is nothing more than a feel-good band-aid to deflect his (and the rest of our politicians’) inability to come up with a sensible plan to help the failing schools in our district.
This is simply a way for everyone to pat themselves on the back and claim that they’ve evened out the playing field by taking down the schools that are successful, at the expense of the schools that really need help.
“forced integration”?
you mean “integration”, don’t you? usually “forced integration” (a right wing tag line” refers to “forced busing.” None of that is going on.
Brown v. Board of Education was “forced integration.” Just go back and read some things from the Southern White Citizens Councils of the Jim Crow era. so i guess you want to roll that decision back. “decided wrongly”? Kavanaugh might be your guy to do it.
I’ll bring the popcorn, as this is sure to be quite a show. Apparently in this day and age, you can stand up in front of your neighbors and say the most appalling things as long as you assure everyone that you Definitely Not Racist.
I’m with him on admitting non-qualified students to the top tier specialized high schools. Why shouldn’t they be open to anybody regardless of ability?
A gross mischaracterization. The city is considering a variety of options for expanding the criteria for admitting students, including GPA, class rank, and state exam scores. Basing admission to a specialized high school on a single exam score is both archaic and fundamentally unfair to those unable to pay for tutors or cram schools.
How about challenging the new chancellor to REALLY dig in, and pull up the standards of more schools? Why on earth is that not his focus? Mr. Carranza isn’t doing any heavy lifting yet, he’s just going straight for the headlines.