Roxanna Sherwood was at work on Tuesday morning when she got this text.
Her eight-year-old son Rio’s babysitter Ana Perez had taken the photo, and Rio had written the text.
And there it was: a raccoon sitting on the windowsill of her son’s bedroom next to the plastic dinosaur and the old sled and the stuffed snake in their eighth floor apartment at 93rd Street and West End Avenue.
“Rio was getting ready for school at 8:20 a.m.,” she told us. “The sitter went in and out of Rio’s bedroom to get Rio’s clothes and the raccoon was hissing wildly at her each time. The raccoon remained in the room for a few hours after they went to school. The super tried to get it out with a stick but it refused to leave. When I spoke to him after he tried, he said he called animal control. Next thing I knew, I saw on the local news that it was actually the NYPD emergency services unit that showed up to get him out!”
We are trying to find out where the raccoon was released and are waiting on word from the police.
Please help us come up with a nickname for this intrepid creature in the comments!
He was just cold and looking to take a nap! Leave him alone!
Intrepid is a good name!
If it’s a male, Rocky seems obvious (The Beatles).
For a female, Lisa comes to mind (reference to “Oh, Hello” on Broadway, Nick Kroll & John Mulaney)
Call him Westy since he ended up on WEA.
Please make sure this animal is not rabid.
Just call him the “Coon”
name Rocky (Raccoon). Hissing was a message that Rocky, too, was scared…
I bet this is the reincarnation of a loved one that wanted to say hello to the family. I would hate to get a hall pass from heaven to occupy a mortal body for the day only to be pushed out a window sill with a stick. Where’s the love?!?
Very unusual but raccoons do hiss when they are scared
How about Hiss…tyerical?!
I would like to point out that raccoons are nocturnal animals. There is a risk that when they are out and about during the day it may be a sign that they have rabies.
How about placng a screen in the window when open?
Rocky burst in and grinning a grin
He said Danny boy this is a showdown
But Daniel was hot-he drew first and shot And Rocky collapsed in the corner.
The visual of this made me laugh at loud.
Since he climbed all that way up to the 8th floor and they call rock climbers rock-jocks, I think Rocky is the appropriate name.
Intrepid, my foot! Racoons are dangerous. When the proper authority finds out who released this “hissing” animal they should be fined — and sent to bed without their supper!
I like the name SNOOPY—-not creative but appropriate.
I hope he/she was tested for rabies before they released it. Doesn’t sound like it given the time frame. Not normal to see a hissing raccoon in daylight.
“Roomie Raccoon” is what I’d name the little guy. Hope he’s ok!
Obviously, it must be the Hissing Bandit.
Rocky Raccoon of course!
Ok, someone has to say it. This kid’s grammar and punctuation are all over the place!:) Proper noun? NOT capitalized…regular noun…capitalized. Third person use of to be?? singular? I’m getting dizzy.
Who want’s to bet me that Mom wrote this text to herself to make the story that much cuter. Awwwww….if it wasn’t digital there would probably be a backward “e” or a “6” instead of a letter, like the Little Rascals or something.:)
Maybe not? What can I say, I’m jaded and skeptical.
I truly hope they did the humane thing and relocated the raccoon and did not harm him/her.
Animal control in NYC is pretty sophisticated, they know what it means when a nocturnal animal is out and about during the daytime and acting in an unusual manner. I doubt the animal was “released.” Unless you mean “released” as in “from this vale of tears.”
You I like.:)
“Mayor Bill” . . . he doesn’t seem to be getting much work done up there.
Wild Bird Fund recently did a little post on raccoons and asked that any one seeing one let them know. I have seen two in Central Park.
Rocky, of course!
Trash Panda.
“Them pussy cats is quick.”
I fear for Rocky’s life.
Looks a little small compared with
the ones I’ve seen. Might be a
juvenile, who went exploring
and found it could get up the building
but didn’t know how to go down again.
Like a cat up a tree.
That would explain the scared
behavior. But even a healthy
juvenile could be dangerous.
Especially if it is confused
and feels threatened.
Hope animal rescue got
it home okay.
“Spider Room Raccoon”
Re: “the raccoon was hissing wildly at her each time.”
WHAT?!?!? She never heard of a ‘Hissy-Fit’?
I like the name “Silly” because he was found on the window sill.