A man was stabbed to death Thursday night outside the La Nueva Victoria restaurant on Broadway and 95th Street, according to NYPD.
Special Anthony Stewart, who lived on 103rd Street, was standing on the corner in front of the restaurant when another man approached him shortly before 11 p.m., according to an NYPD spokesman. The other man stabbed Stewart in the chest. It’s not clear what preceded the stabbing. News outlets have reported there was a fight, but an NYPD spokesman told us “right now it looks like it was unprovoked.”
The other man fled the scene. Police said he appears to be Hispanic, but had no further description.
We will update this as we get more information.
Disgusting and depressing.
As always, I’ll be curious to know if this violence was targeted or random.
As bad as this sounds, there seems to always be major crimes around the 94/95/96 St areas from Amsterdam to West End, so much so I’ve avoided those areas post sunset.
There are so many stories here on WSR that report stabbings, robberies, deaths, etc on this streets. Perhaps it has to do with the SRO around there, but it’s problematic. Am I crazy wrong in this assessment?
This is actually the first murder in the 24th precinct in all of 2016-17. Still very sad, of course, but it’s actually your imagination telling you there are “so many stories” about deaths on these streets. You might want to have a word with it.
96 to 106 on Amsterdam isn’t so great either. Weird atuff goes on. Never a cop on the street or even sitting in a patrol car.
No, you are not crazy in your assessment. And while it’s still too early to know what the details are regarding particular incident, this area has developed a “Wild West” atmosphere during the last 5 years. Some days it’s like an open-air asylum on the streets. It doesn’t mean you are automatically going to get mugged or killed north of 88th, but it pays to be cautious. And yes, in the opinion of many, perhaps most of us that live up here, it’s a direct result of the numerous homeless shelters and supportive housing which the city continues to pile on us. Unfortunately our inept and paralyzed local politicians and Community Board will do nothing to reverse this trend.
It’s been wild Wild West out there since the 80’s period.violence occurs everywhere in NYC.SRO’s are a small percentage of the problem.
you’re not wrong, but when I bring up the “after sunset is dangerous” for some areas around here, I get mocked and ridiculed on here by some.
Per the Daily News: “The attacker plunged a knife twice into the chest of Special Anthony Stewart as they quarreled outside La Nueva Victoria restaurant ..” Whether the perp knew the victim beforehand or not, it was the result of an altercation.
The lesson I have learned long ago was never get into an argument, make a comment or gesture that can be construed as disrespect, or stare at anyone that looks like they have the potential for assaulting you.
With all the street cameras all around the UWS (and believe me I am *FAVOR* of them), I can’t believe it will take too long for NYPD to catch the assailant.
Three simple words:
Stop and frisk.
Two simple words: Deport fascists.
Four words: violation of civil rights
Special We love you❤ and I wish you were here smiling and laughing. You died alone in pain… My heart is broken Babyboy. May you rest in peace 🙏💔🙏❤