Denton Taylor got some fantastic shots of hawks and egrets in Central Park this week. He sent us the shots above and below on Tuesday. “Egrets yesterday around 60th Street. Two different hawks this morning around 69th Street.”
Click on the egret photos below to enlarge them.
Gorgeous photographs. Thank you, Denton!
Interesting to note that everyone is cool with hawks being in public parks but many are concerned about coyotes. We need as many predators as possible to control the rat population. Worried pet owners should keep their pets on leashes to avoid having them turn into a snack.
Great photos!
Great bird porn!
Great pics!
Great pictures!
I often see the egrets flying west on summer evenings. (I’m at 103rd and Broadway.) Does anyone know where the egrets are coming from and where they’re going? Do they fish in the Hudson but nest or roost in the East River?
The egrets often visit “The Pool” aka “the lake” near CPW between 101-103 Sts. approx. just within the park. They stop by several times a year and usually roost near the Bald Cypress tree on the westernmost side. One time I saw two together. It’s wonderful to see them fly!
Phenomenal pictures! And how smart these birds are to find our park.