Congressman Jerry Nadler, an Upper West Sider and a strong supporter of gun control, made the strongest statement yet against the NRA following the shootings on Friday in Newton, Conn. that killed 26 people.
In an interview with online magazine Salon, he called the lobbying group the “enablers of mass murderers,” and said it is time to go to “war” against them.
“Al-Qaida killed 3,000 people in the World Trade Center in 2001. The United States went to war because of that. Because of the NRA, we’ve lost 10,000 people last year unnecessarily. It’s time we went to war,” he said. “And you have to say the National Rifle Association is the enabler of mass murderers. And we’ve got to stomp on them instead of kowtowing to them.”
Among the proposals he wants Congress to consider: “a ban on assault weapons like the one used in the shooting [on Friday]; a ban on high-capacity magazines that hold dozens of rounds; and microstamping bullets to help police identify homicide suspects.”
President Obama hinted on Sunday that he will push for stricter gun control, and Senator Dianne Feinstein plans to introduce an assault weapons ban in Congress’ next session. Upper West Siders came out this weekend to support gun control at vigils.
The NRA has kept a very low profile since the shootings. In fact, its Facebook page has been disabled.
“Irrational leftists believe that the way to protect children is to ban the one thing which can keep them safe. Are children less valuable than a bank account?”
Steve recently posted statistics about the terrible burst in violent crime after Australia’s gun control experiment.
I’m all for it! Just like bank accounts, let’s keep children behind bars 24/7, preferably in a dark vault. Let’s surround them with state-of-the-art security systems and have Brink’s or Armored Services bus them to and from school. Crossing guards should have a side arm and teachers must be NRA certified. AK 47’s in every classroom. You never know… .
Scary images attached to common sense defeat clear thinking.
Man Attempts to Open Fire on Crowd at Movie Theater, Armed Off-Duty Sheriff’s Deputy Drops Him With One Bullet:
The true enablers are the ” mental patients’ rights advocates” and politicians who oversaw and approved the closing of 90% of long term mental health beds in the country over the past 30 years. There are thousands of severely psychotic and delusional people in our communities that can cause unimaginable harm and violence. It is no longer possible to admit them for long term institutionalization which they need.
Nadler is right. The NRA has perpetrated the most outrageous and deadly fraud upon this Nation. There is no Second Amendment right to be armed outside the context of a WELL REGULATED MILITIA. If the Americans who think otherwise would READ the Second Amendment they would know that. My constitution right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is put put at risk and is violated by the refusal of Congress to enact tough gun control legislation. By this refusal they are breaking their oaths of office. Gun control now!
Nik, I watched someone knock a gun out of someone’s hand by throwing a can of soup at them. The right to sell guns to anyone at all is not the right to own a gun. The right to mark bullets is not the right to own a weapon.If people cannot handle guns responsibly they should go to jail.Get over your stupid cowardly fear and let some common sense prevail.
I think I agree with you, but your insult landed in Hudson Bay.