Upper West Siders have flocked to Grom, the Italian gelato shop on 76th and Broadway, for the past six years. The line was often out the door. But apparently it wasn’t quite enough of a hot spot, because the gelato shop has closed.
Grom was pricey, but was arguably worth it for special occasions — it was the kind of place that tells you exactly where they got the eggs and the chocolate for your ice cream.
If nothing else, the closure shows that there is in fact a limit to how many sweets shops the Upper West Side can support. The news is grist for the sugar-free crowd; for the rest of us, it’s just bittersweet. Or maybe just bitter.
This message was posted on the door:
Let’s keep our fingers crossed. Maybe we can get another Verizon store here!
76th st, be real, it’ll be a bank or a MetroPCS store.
Hmmm, Given Grom appeared busy, can custard-filled pastries and mini baked goods possibly survive their next lease renewal when every UWS commercial landlord seems to be pricing for a corporate, bankruptcy-proof golden egg laying lease from a national chain operation?
Sad, sad. If this closure was caused by a lease renewal issue, it is just another example of greed killing the upper west side. To the greedy landlords out there pretty soon your greed will bring our neighborhood to seed and then you won’t be able to give your leases away.
This spot is just begging for another coffee/tea establishment.
Ew or maybe we’ll get another high end retailer. I already feel like I live in Short Hills Mall!
This place was over-priced and understaffed which is why it may have appeared busy but had to close anyway.
Who buys $8 gelato (the tiny size) of mediocre quality? I tried it , but as a frequent visitor to Italy (more than 20 times) I was not impressed with Grom’s offerings.